Why do my review ratings say I have 23% three stars when I've only gotten two 3 star reviews?

Level 2
Knoxville, TN

Why do my review ratings say I have 23% three stars when I've only gotten two 3 star reviews?

I have had 12 reviews, only two of them were overall 3 stars.  Somehow though, it says that i'm 23% 3 stars.  I'm a little frustrated with this.  Why is this?


5 of my overall reviews were 5 stars.   This would mean I am 41% 5 stars.  However airbnb says I'm 38% 5 stars.


Not sure about this, but it's not cool.



1 Reply 1
Level 10
Vancouver, WA

Did every guest leave a review? Perhaps only 12 of 13 guests left a review.  If you had 13 guest stays and 5 of the guests left 5-star reviews that would account for the 38%. If three of the guests left 3-star reviews that would equate to 23%. Did any guests leave 4-star, 2-star, or 1-star reviews? I don't know the answer for your specific situation, but I would start by checking to see how many trips you hosted and use that number in your percentage calculations. If it doesn't jive with the information you have, then call Airbnb support and discuss it with them. Good luck.