Why does Airbnb charge some people more for the same place/dates?

Level 1
Saint Louis, MO

Why does Airbnb charge some people more for the same place/dates?

I recently booked an Airbnb for myself and three friends. Well, scratch that - my friend ended up booking it because she was shown and charged a lower rate than me. Three of us looked at the same place for the same dates and with the same number of guests. We all were checking at the same time (using different computers because we are all in different cities) and we noticed that I got charged the most ($369) while my friends were charged $358 and $333 respectively. Obviously we went with $333. But - why? Why this difference???

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Austin, TX

Sounds really odd. When you figure this out, can you update the rest of us, please?

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Were any of them out of country? I know there are special taxes that some places charge guests when they are booking.