Why might Air BnB cancel or retract booking?

Level 5
Port Washington, NY

Why might Air BnB cancel or retract booking?

Please help me understand -

maybe ID discrepancy? Problem with past host?


got request that came in while I was sleeping, then message from air BnB saying request was canceled.


guest has 5 or 6 mildly positive reviews.


says he didn’t cancel


When I called to ask, customer service person couldn’t give any information which made me think maybe they’re protecting the host because there may have been a bad incident or issue from this guest before?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Florence, Canada

It could be anything, @Jennifer311 , and I don't wonder about it anymore. It's between the guest and Airbnb, and, if anything, I think "bullet dodged".

I did get a little insight into one of those years ago, thanks to my neighbour bringing up the name of someone I recognized as a former local who had kept trying to book here, opening new account after new account but getting zapped by the system.

The short version is that Airbnb was indeed shielding the host from the guest's past behaviour.

In another one, the guest told me himself that he was too young but trying to book anyway. 

Best not to call Airbnb about it. They can't give out that sort of information. Just enjoy the quiet protection you have been afforded 🙂

Level 5
Port Washington, NY

Thanks Lawrene- I appreciate your  having taken the time to answer. I asked someone else  in a general way what might cause a booking to be canceled and someone said it could be things that are matter of public record like eviction, or legal problems/background check etc.

maybe these things happened after the other bookings, or maybe something really difficult for the host was reported and substantiated.


bullet dodged indeed!

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Jennifer311  yes it could be a background check, stolen credit card, a stolen identity, empty account... at least those are the reasons I've heard about but I suppose it could be anything from drug abuse to damages to properties etc...