a cancellation from a guest who had never requested to book and has no message history with me

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

a cancellation from a guest who had never requested to book and has no message history with me

hi     I am a host and in my up coming reservations section there is suddenly a cancellation from a person called Alba.There is no message history and she never requested to book.My question is that as this shows the word cancellation does Airbnb put this against my chances of becoming a superhost?   Clare

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Coogee, Australia

hi @Clare53


this seems to be a error from the system, maybe you should call Airbnb for clear this issue.

here are all contacts:



cheers Raf

Thanks Raf

That was very helpful,I phoned and the matter was resolved,my faith in airbnb restored.I will keep hold of their telephone number.
