I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I've just aked my insurance company if I am covered for AirbnB and they said no. Can any of you recommend a company in the UK who will provide house insurance to include Airbnb rental please? They are an online only company and said their sister company many help so I can try them but otherwise I'm concerned I may have to spend days searching for cover. I need cover for renting the whole house occasionally as well as for having a guest or two from time to time as I now do both.
Many thanks for any advice you can offer,
Lots of insurance companies cover for airbnb @Sharon665, below are two of them.
Thanks Jeff, i'll check these out!
Admiral were half the price of the other company. Having said that my premium doubled for including Airbnb.
Thanks again
Hi. I've checked out both Admiral and Home Protect for Airbnb hosting, but both of them only do year-long policies. I still have 6 months with my existing insurers who will charge me if I cancel my policy early and move to Admirial/Home Protect. Does anyone know if there are any deals for just having a short insurance policy i.e. for the duration of your Airbnb's availability (e.g. 3 weeks), that you can buy as a bolt on to an existing year-long policy? Iv'e already asked my current insurer this and they basically said they hate airbnb and would cancel my policy if I rented my house out!!! Seemed a bit harsh...
Does anyone know of any other providers? Apparently Admiral cap it at 90 days.
We, too, have been struggling to find good quality, reasonably price, insurance cover for buildings and contents, which also covers our Annex which we rent out on Airbnb. We couldn’t find a main stream insurance company that would cover the Airbnb element. Admiral was the closest but they only covered a maximum of 90 days rental a year. But eventually, we found a lovely insurance broker company in Macclesfield called A-Plan Insurance (ask for Nick or Ruth). They couldn’t have been more helpful. The cost we are paying is little different to our previous payments and the cover is at least as good, if not slightly better. Most importantly the use of our Annex for Airbnb is acknowledged and the Public Liability element covers our Airbnb guests. Would thoroughly recommend.