my hosting and the prices i mentioned is it correct on my site

Level 2
Sri Lanka

my hosting and the prices i mentioned is it correct on my site

I am from port view city hotel how do i check  the details i mentioned on my application is it write or anything have to missing 

Top Answer
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

EEEEK @Telson0 I can book 16 guests into your hotel for the same price as 1 guest.

You have to list each bedroom seperately. 20 bedrooms mean 20 listings are required.


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3 Replies 3
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

EEEEK @Telson0 I can book 16 guests into your hotel for the same price as 1 guest.

You have to list each bedroom seperately. 20 bedrooms mean 20 listings are required.


price i have been entered 65 U$D is only for one double rooms for two guest only please advice me we have 20 rooms how to complete it from where can i start. i beleive my setup is completely wrong therefore i need your help.


we have 20 roos can be accommodate 39 geust rooms type are below

three rooms we have one banka bed each room can accommodate 2guest each room X3=6 guest (one night two guest 40U$D)

Twin Double we have 6 rooms can be accommodate 12 guest  2x6=12 guest (per night 46 U$D one room two guest)

Three trible rooms can accommodate 3 in one room  3x3=9 (60 U$D one night one trple )

6 double rooms 2x6=12 (one night 46 U$D for one room  two guest)



how can i make it please advice 


Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Hi @Telson0

Look at this host with 3 bedrooms at Ella Mount View Guest Inn  Ella Sri Lanka

He has 3 listings for 3 bedrooms and you will need 20 listings for 20 bedrooms, all I can suggest is try and copy what they have done.