room rates and calander i have doubt please explaine before get redy to come guest

Level 2
Sri Lanka

room rates and calander i have doubt please explaine before get redy to come guest

we have 20 rooms in our hotel devide in to three categoties under Deluxe, Standared, and the Budjet and separate prices do i want it one calaner for each room each prices isn't it?

in our hotel can provide accommodate 39 guest at once my application showing only 16 guest how to add?

price also they have public 60 U$D is it for entire rooms per night or one room, i am complicate this metthod kindly explan me

My number is 0770481561  Telson

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


if you have 20 rooms then you have to make 20 listings. This way each room will have it's own calendar , prices, photos, description etc...



Hi, Thanks for the reply me and is it come under private rooms? correct? please advice me because i am ver interesting to join with the airbnb and would like to spred your syste all over the hotels in my country after i completely study this system 



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