I started in airbnb January this year and I already hosted many people. I never had a problem until the last couple that stayed in my apartment and left it really durty. They did not take any garbige out for 1 week!!! I gave a bad cleanning recomendation for them but they did not leave a comment, so they will not get the bad review and the next host will probably have the same bad surprise as I did.
From that experience I decided only to take reservations from people that already has a comment from a host. Two days ago I got an ask to make a reservation also for a girl Queila, that has no review and she is a member since 2014. I asked her if she already travelled with airbnb and as she did not answer I explained that because I had a bad experience last time I want to know the person and see if she is ok with the rule that is leaving the apartment as she got it. She fliped out! Se got reaaally mad... and said that she does not want to stay there anymore because she pays for somebody to clean for her and that she will not in a change clean anything. She also said that she DEMANDS to have someone cleaning the place for her everyday so my apartment would not be good enough for her.
With this two episodes I can only understand that airbnb is becoming more than a comunity that hosts and guests have mutual respect, but we have people now that think that here they will find the same service as a Hotel. That is said, and I just hope she can find a Hotel that will give the services she demands....