Oferta Especial

Level 1
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Oferta Especial

Hi. I have a guest that is asking me a discount for 5 days. I do not know how is the "Special Offer". Wich value I put there. The totally a want to receive or the total price the guest will pay or with cleaning house includded or with tax guest or tax host includded. Well, I' m very confused. Let' s make an example. If I receive 1100,00 for this 5 days with my Airbnb tax paid and I want to give a   discount and receive only 1000,00 includded de cleaning house and Airbnb tax. How much I put there for the Special Host?

tks a lot

1 Resposta 1
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Oi @Alessandro35.

Na oferta especial você deve incluir a taxa do anfitrião de 3%, a taxa de limpeza, taxa por hóspedes extras. NÃO precisa incluir a taxa do HÓSPEDE.
Se você coloca 1000, você perderá 3% e o valor da faxina está incluido nesses mil...
Exemplo: oferta especial: mil reais
taxa que você será descontado: 30 reais.
Você recebe 970 de diárias e faxina...


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