Curious request

Level 10
Belle, WV

Curious request

I just received the following request:

"I picked check in and out days just because it made me. [Apparently he didn't notice the "contact host" option down the page.] I travel here 2 nights/week for work, but do not always know what days until the week before. Would you be open to setting up an arrangement where I could setup days on Friday for the following week, each week as needed?"


The man, with a very respectable profile photo, only registered with ABB in June. His ID is not verified. He seems to be asking me to block my calendar until he has a chance to find out his schedule on Fridays. So, I pre-approved the request with the following message:

"You are welcome to reserve days as often as you need to, providing those days are open/available. Please know you will also need to complete ID verification and show a valid photo ID on arrival."

Do you get the same impression from his request? Would you have responded differently?

---> That's how I look at most guests, like cousins. And you know, some of those cousins are kooks.
5 Replies 5


I think your understanding is correct.....and you gave a nice, simple answer back. Please let us know how things proceed with this (potential) guest.... whether he does end up staying at your home 2 nights a week 🙂 

It sounded to me like he wanted you to block dates for him just in case he needs them, which I would never do and feel you responded in an appropriate manner.  

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Robin129 The Contact Host button makes the user enter dates --- I've tried to just ask a host a question, but the system insists on turning it into an actual inquiry

Level 10
Quimper, France

I got a few requests over time for 2 nights a week, which may shift around every week. People get such work shedules and it is much nicer if you have familiar places to stay. They ask, that's normal. Most hosts won't commit to block 5 week nights for 2 booked, but it may happen, that they find a host , who does it for a bit of company, not aiming to be fully booked. 

I react like you do. I have a few regulars, coming now and then, guesting with other hosts in between, when my room is booked. I believe none of those started with such a request. I had one, who asked like that, came the first time and tried to haggle over the price, as he will become regular. Not so, thumbs down for other reasons and don't come back. ( I give thumbs down only in exceptional situations)

Level 10
Belle, WV

I never heard back from him.

---> That's how I look at most guests, like cousins. And you know, some of those cousins are kooks.