A way to make the "Views" data actually useful

Level 10
Austin, TX

A way to make the "Views" data actually useful

Under "Progress" (used to be "Stats"?) there's the "Views" page. It shows (on an inexplicably-delayed basis) the number of people who've viewed one's listing on any given day. Neato information, yeah? Well, no, not actually. Let me explain...


I have a listing that books up 97% for the nearest month, 80-90% two months out, and 50-70% three months out.


So I suspect -- but have NO way to confirm -- that when the Views number says I've had 15 lookers but no bookers three days ago, then what's going on is people are looking for places in the next 15-30 days and, because my place is already fully booked, just moving on w/o being able to book. (Which is nothing I can do anything about, or need to do anything about.)


A smarter system, which AirBnB supposedly has access to, based on their Price Tips and Smart Pricing BS, would be to provide a mechanism for hosts to see how many views they'd had for any host-selectable date-range. THIS WOULD NOT BE HARD TO DO. All of the information is available.


Think about it, AirBnB...

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Monteriggioni, IT

Totally agree!

Thus would be useful for any host and make that data valuable. 


Level 2
Hervey Bay, Australia

I think this would be great to see how many views I have had on any given day