Get rid of High and Low Review

Level 2
London, GB

Get rid of High and Low Review

Like may other hosts I am always trying to learn and improve on my hosting. As a family we have been working hard recently and recieved some graet 5 star reviews and happy guests.


Unfortunately, with no warning I have noticed that Airbnb have put this 'Top' and 'Low' reciew on my page. Getting a bad review in the first place can be hard, but I do listen and try to do better. In one 'Low" review there is a complant about the cold tap in the bathroom not working, butI now have a new set of taps in there (for instance), but this review is put at the top of my page.

I am feeling dismayed to say the least. Having been cleaning and fixing things up to the best of our ability I am being misrepresented by an out of date review. It is misleaking to cistomers and unfair to hosts to have a months old review highlighted like this. Surely the reviews should appear in chrolnologicgal order as this is the best guide to the current state of the house.


Julie, London England.

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Sydney, Australia

you can leave a "public reply" to the review and comment on what you've actioned to improve the listing. at the end of the day, a guest looks at more than just the reviews - how you respond to it in a positive way helps i think, and this can be reflected in your public profile.
Level 2
London, GB

Thank you Lai


I agree about the 'public reply' but these reviews are not the most recent reviews, yet they sit at the top of the listing. The review which was poststed last August, refering to a broken tap. The tap has since been replaced, but as the review is old I can't now reply.

I spent last night looking at forums on airbnb, and I can see that many people are upset about this. Several people reported having no new bookings since this happened.



