@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book call...
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@Ute42 really got me thinking when she mentioned a book called The Culting of Brands. The author, Douglas Atkin, was once th...
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I am tryig to communicate with Leo the Organizer of the Airbnb Meets san Antonio I can not have a Phone or e mail
Zory ***
[*personal information removed]
Is there a meet up scheduled for San Antonio?
If not how can one be organized?
How can all hosts in San Antonio be notified of such meeting?
Hmm. Nothing posted here since August 2017? Does that mean there is no active SAAirbnb group locally?
There's some potentially harmful (to Airbnb hosts) legislation being discussed. Does anyone have a handle on this?
Just mentioning you all in @Zorayda0, @Sabrina209 and @Bill-and-Maria0. Perhaps you could arrange a meetup, if there isn't one already? 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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ladies and gentlemen let's arrange the meetup
not sure if ya'll get notified when someone post something I think for better communication here's my facebook page please contact me there and let's make this happen 🙂
I am new to the Hosting experience with B&Bs and I think it will be great to start a Network in which we can all participate. I have experience in Event Management and I will be glad to help organize something for everyone to attend.
If any of you think is a good idea, please reply to this message.
@Mary941 @Hanin0 @Zorayda, @Sabrina and @Bill & Maria I have a small wedding/event venue on my property that I am willing to donate for the meeting if @Mary941 wants to organize it. It can host 52 indoors and 120-150 outdoors. Like Mary we're newer and would love the chance to talk with other hosts one on one. I can supply the beverage center also with coffee, tea, lemonaid and ice tea.
Sounds Great! Let's see if we get any other answers. It might be a bit more complicated than we think as I do not think notifications are sent out automatically. I certainly did not get anything telling me you have replied.
We might have to contact each property individually.
The first thing we will have to do is create some kind of committee. As much as I would like to organize this event on my own, we have not idea how many people are there with the same Idea.
I have worked for several hotels downtown and I am sure that we can get one of them to provide some space for our meet without us incurring in any loss of business due to this event.
I will keep checking in for answers.
@Mary941 Weddings and events book out half a year to two and half years in advance. Any open dates in June, July or August at this point are not going to be booked, so I'm not losing any money hosting it.
Apparently there is or was an @Leo who Organizered Meets San Antonio if we could find him it may help. I'll keep an eye out for a Leo in TX responding to threads.
In the right hand corner by your picture is a bell it should have a red number noting which threads you've replied to that have more responses. You can also change your profile to send emails to you also if you want when a thread gets a response that you have been part of.
I am a new host and would love to talk to you. Thank you, Linda
Just an FYI for those in San Antonio area. AirBnB is starting to do Experiences here now. It showed up in my Transaction History for a payout in addition to my listing the other day. Though they have not contacted me yet about it, but they must have excepted my Experience proposal.
We do not live locally, but have a property in SA that we use through Airbnb. If an event/ meeting could be scheduled in June or July, we would attend.
I am down . Name a date and Time and I will be there
@Mary @Hanin @Zorayda, @Sabrina @Gena9 @Lizzie and @Bill & Maria I have Saturday July 14th and Sunday 15th open if we want to set either date. I haven't figured out how to actually setup a meetup in that forum area yet. I copied Lizzie maybe she can instruct me. I'm more inclinded to opt for Saturday the 14th of July.
Hello @Letti0,
It is fantastic news to hear you all are going to arrange a meet up. At the moment it isn't possible to formally setup a meeting event here in the Community Center. I will pass on to a colleague of mine that you are planning on arranging something though.
Good luck with arranging it and it would be lovely to hear more about how it goes. 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.