Alteration - A traveler wants to extend their stay

Level 2
Tyrone, GA

Alteration - A traveler wants to extend their stay

The Airbnb system is a bit tricky if a guest requests a few extra days (lets assume the calendar is open)


  1. Either the host or the traveler can request a reservation alteration/change. Trying to do this on an IPad or IPhone will give you a drinking problem. Do it on your laptop computer.
  2. Do not change the start date, just the end date.
  3. PLEASE NOTE THAT if the traveler has been staying for awhile thus incurring weekly, weekend or monthly discounts THOSE discounts will not only automatically go away for the added days BUT the new rate for the added days will retroactively now apply to the days they aleady stayed.  This happened to me on three different occassions.
  4. The REMEDY is to determine the rate for the extra days (most likely that is the discounted rate that they have had from the beginning)  and mulitply that times the number of extra days they need, take that sum and ADD it to the payout to date .  Example the visitor has already paid for 40 days at $100/day or $4000. They want 5 extra days, add $500 to the amount they already paid . If you dont do this you will see some WILD numbers for the extra 5 days. 
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