Basement Space

Level 1
Madison, WI

Basement Space

Could we list our basement suite on Airbnb? There is a "bedroom" space but no egress window. Would this be an issue?

6 Replies 6

Ok. Gracias 


Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

What do the rules in Madison say about basement bedrooms? I know in my area, you must have an egress window in a basement bedroom. I personally wouldn't host in a basement without one: if there was a fire, it could be a very bad situation, and ethically, I woudn't do it. I do host in my home's lower level, and both bedrooms have large egress windows or a full door to outside. We have actually decided not to open another room in the flat as a bedroom because it doesn't have an egress window.


Airbnb doesn't have any specific rules around things like windows, but your listing shoud comply with the law in your area. Here's a link that may help:

Level 10
Simi Valley, CA

I would have to think this would violate local fire codes.  Basements are designed for storage.  You could take a hit on your insurance if they found out and if somebody staying there knew the law they might report you to airbnb or local building enforcement.   People convert basements into bedrooms all the time, but then again they don't usually rent them out.

Me gustaría conocer los sótanos k tiene.


Level 2
Stryi, Ukraine

Please... Make sure the walkout basement has a window large and low enough to get out perhaps in what would be the bedroom in case of a fire.  I cannot stress this enough when turning a basement into a place where people sleep!


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Level 1
Denver, CO

As an AirBnb owner in Denver,  to accommodate fire codes and laws, we needed to install an egress window.   We found a company that sold DIY egress window kits and we dug the hole ourselves. The only part we hired out was the concrete cutter.  Works great!  **

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