I have made a product that really helps guests protect your sheets. I offer it to my guests - you can offer it to yours. You can even lift the verbiage, if you like.
As an air bnb guest, I found myself occasionally needing something to protect the sheets of the lovely places I was renting. As an air bnb host, I found myself wanting to provide something my guests could use that would protect my sheets. In an answer to all that, I created The Layer. It is a magical piece of fabric that is soft and comfortable and shields the sheets from all sorts of sexy messes. So, should you find yourself in need, you will find The Layer - sealed in an eco-friendly plastic wrap - available for you to use and take with you to use over and over and over again (it withstands 300+ washings). And if you do, we will then charge your account $55. It’s far less expensive than replacing a set of sheets, mattress cover, towels - and saves everyone inconvenience and embarrassment. You can find The Layer in the master bedroom in the wicker basket.
A discrete little velcro clutch is available for purchase, for carrying The Layer to and fro. Please visit
https://getthelayer.com for more information.