I've been hosting my 300sq ft cottage on Airbnb for about 2 years. I live on the property with my sister and own nothing else in San Francisco. Ive lived in SF my entire 33 years of life and want to stay.
I know all my neighbors well and they all know I host guests 2-3 times a month and not a single guest has ever done more than sleep and work.
This ability allows me to share my cottage with visiting family and and friends several times a year and not struggle to rent it which would be hard even I'm SF for a 300 square foot cottage.
Instead of pointing at people with multiple listings, those whom have evicted tenants, people renting several apartments just to Airbnb, or people converting apartment buildings......San Francisco decided to attach a large orange penalty on my door after I tried 2 times to register with a fine saying I did not register for short term rentals.
The cottage utilities all come through my own. I live here every single day and the cottage is tiny and attached to nothing as not to disturb anyone around. Seeing as I know all my neighbors and they are all OK with this that's not a surprise.
So why is it that after trying to register twice, after filing to pay taxes yearly on the items I've purchased in my cottage and being an upstanding family citizen of San Francisco for 33 years that they think I'm the reason rent is high and nobody can live here?
San Francisco is trying to sway votes by labeling all Airbnb hosts and landlords, even the small struggling ones, as criminals. Conveniently pointing the finger away from local government which has failed it's own people for the past 50 years.
Thanks for loving me and my family back after 65 years San Francisco. You are doing a great job.