Can I temporarily list my whole house?

Level 1
Bristol, United Kingdom

Can I temporarily list my whole house?

I usually list a private room within my house, but during my 3 week holiday, I would like to list my entire ome. Can I do this within the saem listing, or do I need to create a new listing as it were, for the same property, under a different accomodation type?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Sophie204  Create a new listing for the whole house and block out dates except your holiday.  When you return, you can snooze the listing until you have other dates to offer it.  It is important to remember that renting you whole house while you are away on holiday can be risky since you are not there to supervise the guest and safe guard your home.  Have a trusted family member or friend be available to greet and orient the guests.

Furthering what @Linda108 said, once you create a whole-house listing, decide if you want to take private room listings too.  You will need to snooze your room listings for those dates you want to only make the whole house available instead.