Can't see my stats any longer

Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Can't see my stats any longer

Hi, I made my co-host the primary, and now I can't see my views. Is this the reason why? 

7 Replies 7

@Diane311 I don't think it is because of the co-host.


They just redesigned the site a bit. "Stats" is gone and is now called "Progress"


You can see your Views under "Progress" now.




I'm a primary host and do co-hosting as well.

The stats for the 'views' are only accessable by the primary , so a co-host doesn't have access to them.

Not sure the reasons why it is restricted.

I manage the pricing as a co-host and if I want to see the view stat, I need to ask the primary to send a screen grab.

Don't think @Matthew285 is correct on this occasion, sorry.

@Elena87, thank you for correcting me!


I did not know that (I have never been a co-host).


This is how we learn new things...


How are you liking the new Host Tools?



I'll have a look under the hood later to probably stumble across the changes I suppose and see for myself.


But changing 'stats' to 'progress' - a bit like calling a raccoon a Procyon lotor

Level 2
Manteca, CA

I'm a superhost and my views on both my properties have dropped to zero for a whole week now. I get booked rarely now, its weird how the bookings have dropped drastically from October to November! I called airbnb, and their explanation was I still have few inquiries and bookings. I hope they take care of this issue soon, as I know for sure that the drop in bookings is a reflection of the views not updating. I don't know who to call and address this issue now! 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

I don't understand why the co-host is not allowed to see the "Progress"/Stats. In our case the co-hosts own the house - we should be allowed to see the earnings, ratings, reviews, response rate, etc. 


I had read in another forum that I don't see anything in Progress because I'm a co-host but I just talked to AirBnB Support and they don't understand why I can't see anything on the Progress page either (I can see Views on the App but nothing else, and I can't see anything, not even Views, on the website). Hopefully they will fix this soon!