DIfferences between booking students thru Air vs. direct booking

DIfferences between booking students thru Air vs. direct booking

I have accommodated quite a few postgrad international uni students through Air and done very well by them.


I decided to try direct booking with overseas postgrads using the same parameters as Air (same description, rules, terms) and they all signed off on this. 


Unlike Air, problems started almost immediately.


  1. Two Singaporeans wanted to move in with a girl they met at school after 2 weeks.
  2. A Francophone "was still trying" to tranfer his money from France after 3 weeks.

Concurrently, I have a Canadian student from Air who's loving it.


Any thoughts?









1 Reply 1


I host mostly international exchange students for 1 semester at a time.... I much prefer handling all reservations & payments thru Airbnb especially because guests can use credit cards and the money shows up in my account. I have published house rules which are in the itinerary. The difference of fees (guest + host fees seem to be about 12~15% of the total booking) it is worth it to me. At least for certain payment, Airbnb can enforce rules/policies that an independent host would have trouble with if a guest tried to suddenly cancel.