-An Airbnb Experience-
Warm greetings from Cuba, and thanks for letting me share this story with the Community.
I'm a recent Airbnb Experience host in Havana and my itinerary is about the neighbourhood where I was born and live. We move in a calm area, far from the most touristic paths, so I decide to include as part of the route a visit to a little organic farm located behind two enormous apartment blocks. In occasion of taking to that place one lady in her 75s, I was surprised by her reaction when we visited the little farm. I usually take all the due cautions because the road to the place is sometimes muddy and slippery, but she managed so well to get there than I thought she should have had a nice story with the countryside before. My big surprise was when I showed her a plant of cassava (yuca), with lively green leaves and the peculiar branches coming out from the soil. I love cassava so much, but I haven't seen a "real" plant like this in person during my life! I'm so excited and grateful for this! she said at the time she embraced the plant and asked me for a photo. Some hours, later when I was downloading and editing the pictures of that Experience, I realized how much significant a little detail can be. In this case, getting closer to Mother Nature and knowing "in person" one of its wonderful productions.
Happy Holidays and a Great New Year 2018 for all.