Day 30: Being closer to Mother Earth

Level 3
Havana, Cuba

Day 30: Being closer to Mother Earth

-An Airbnb Experience-


Warm greetings from Cuba, and thanks for letting me share this story with the Community.


I'm a recent Airbnb Experience host in Havana and my itinerary is about the neighbourhood where I was born and live. We move in a calm area, far from the most touristic paths, so I decide to include as part of the route a visit to a little organic farm located behind two enormous apartment blocks. In occasion of taking to that place one lady in her 75s, I was surprised by her reaction when we visited the little farm. I usually take all the due cautions because the road to the place is sometimes muddy and slippery, but she managed so well to get there than I thought she should have had a nice story with the countryside before. My big surprise was when I showed her a plant of cassava (yuca), with lively green leaves and the peculiar branches coming out from the soil. I love cassava so much, but I haven't seen a "real" plant like this in person during my life! I'm so excited and grateful for this! she said at the time she embraced the plant and asked me for a photo. Some hours, later when I was downloading and editing the pictures of that Experience, I realized how much significant a little detail can be. In this case, getting closer to Mother Nature and knowing "in person" one of its wonderful productions.


Happy Holidays and a Great New Year 2018 for all.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
New York, United States

more blessing Happy Holidays and a great New Year 2018 for you and family

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Hello @Jose309

Interesting and funny story. Thanks for sharing it.
When you mentioned Yuca and the other name for the same plant Cassava, I thought it was something very strange... should it be some hallucinogenic plant? 🙂 At once I googled it and what a surprise.
The name for this in the center of Brazil is "Mandioca" and in other parts of the country is "Aipin", and acttually we eat the roots of it. I also like eating fried or cooked "Mandioca".
It also spring to my mind that, when I was a child I remember that a French priest that was visiting my hometown took a picture of a banana tree. I also have an english friend to whom I introduced a kind of plant that he had never seen.. the Papaya tree, also known as "Mamão".
My wife, that was born far in the south of my country, only new some fruits from the center of the country when she was an adult. I was born in the center, and only when I was an adult, I knew different fruits from the north and south of my country.
Some kind of experiences may sound of no importance to the locals, however to foreigners or to people from other regions it can be really very interesting.

Happy New Year !

Thanks for sharing your experiences and i would like to agree with Jose that in our various different unique locations, we get so used to what is around us and all look normal. However, to guests we need to take them through to experience and find the difference. Africa is a great place to try this and Kampala-uganda is one of the places to experience such.

Happy new year to you all!!!

Level 2
Fort Myers, FL

Awesome story, keep posting and keep up the good work