Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do...
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Do you allow guests to eat food in a private room? If so, do you provide a table, or let them eat on the bed. New to Airbnb, ...
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Hello wonderful Airbnb CC people!
I am writing my post today from the most stunning London penthouse loft apartment I've been co-hosting over Xmas and New Year.
I have been co-hosting for almost as long as I have been hosting, and it is a wonderful thing to do- you get to spread your love of communicating and meeting new people and making sure they have a fabulous stay to people outside of your own space.
I really enjoy welcoming the first set of guests into a property I am new to makes me feel exactly how I did when I was waiting to welcome my first guests in my own apartment, "will they like the space?" "will they like me?" "have I cleaned and set everything up properly?" "will they have a good time?!" and then welcoming them in and seeing their faces light up!
Co-hosting check-ins and guest stays around this time of year, with New Years Eve being a HUGE celebration in London can be a stressful time- the owners are always away and often not contactable, and some of the properties I co-host would make wonderful NYE party venues, but thankfully all my guests seem totally fine and all but 2 have tickets to see the fireworks on the Thames 🙂
I have 2 wonderful guests in my own space for NYE and they are being treated to rose Cava with raspberries and some delicious party food before they head out for their celebrations. Me, I am headed to Primrose Hill with friends to watch the fireworks at midnight and then straight to bed as I have check-outs, turnovers and check-ins in the morning.
It's such a joy to co-host that I am going to switch to doing it full-time in 2019, and make it my full focus...I am so happy that Airbnb, and the wonderful people here on the CC have helped me find something I really love doing and something I am good at!
I wish you all a wonderful New Years, and I hope 2019 brings you fantastic things whatever you have planned for the year.
Paul 🙂
I wish you a January with the sunshine of May
A gentle March
A cool July
A day without a night
A sea without storm
Good bread, fresh baked
The calming sounds of a babbling brook
A cheerful face all year long.
Thank you @Paul1255 for your lovely post. It certainly sounds like you are doing a great job of co-hosting. I wish you very well in it for 2019.
@Paul1255. Ah. You have the "gift" of hospitality too! Unlike me, it sounds as though you make the time to recharge yourself, giving you the energy to be a great co-host!
How were the fireworks? Here in Boston, it was pouring so I didn't venture out to the harbor. Well, that and I can't stay up that late anymore. Had to be up at 5am this morning to make the breakfast rolls; a once a year decadence.
It would appear so @Susan151 and only taken me 37 years to work it out ahaha.
I never used to take time to re-charge, but I always do now- otherwise it's hard to be your best!
I am naturally an introvert, and hosting often requires the opposite so I do need alone time to replenish the extra energy spent being extroverted 🙂
The fireworks were amazing, so happy to have seen them in person for the first time.
How was the 5am wake-up?
@Paul1255 I hope you enjoyed the fireworks - London does it better than anywhere else in the world although Sydney deserves a mention! We had loads of them out here in Ealing as well and from the top floor of our house we can see out over Wembley and Harrow so we were spoiled for choice but we watched the main ones on the TV. The clear, calm weather was a blessing.
Are you sure that you will be as happy as a cohost as you are such a good host? Will you get the same amount of job satisfaction hosting for people who are not around and often not available?
@Rachel0 they were magical! It's the first time I've not watched them on TV ahaha.
And that's good you had a good selection to look at!
Oh yes I get just as much enjoyment from co-hosting as hosting, and I will still keep hosting myself, but will do less of it now.
I get pleasure from happy guests- I don't mind if they're "mine" or someone elses really, I treat them all like they are mine 🙂
Feliz Año Nuevo 2019
hola Amalia estoy buscando un CO-HOST para una casa en arroyo Hondo Sto Dgo me puede contactar
al Tel. 3475487344 e-mail
Hi Paul, can you tell me a bit more about Co Hosting? I have been a host for a while now and loving it in London.. I now want to meet more host within London to share experiences and possiblity of helping other hosts with Airbnb hosting preps like linen and other stuff..
Hi @Talha4 sure!
I would suggest making contact with hosts local to you/your listings, perhaps meeting up and as you say, share experiences and see how you could support.
As a co-host, your own listings are your business card/store front so it's very important to ensure as a host you get the best reviews possible, and work towards superhost status- hosts will want to understand what you will be able to do for their listings and how you can add value.
It's a big deal to hand over your listing/guests to someone else to manage so it's important to be trust-worthy and to deliver great results...every time!
how do you co host? I dont undestand whats involved. thanks
Salute @Paul1255
If it is possible for you, do you also rent apartements for renting them through Airbnb? if yes, how it is going?
I tell you that cause i have already asked a man if he wants to put his apartement, to be a host, and because it is ( his apartement ) without furniture he proposed to me if i want to rent it from him and i put it in Airbnb. So the idea come.