‘Desperate to Find Message That Will Work': Illinois' Top Health Official Delivers Passionate Plea

Level 10
Chicago, IL

‘Desperate to Find Message That Will Work': Illinois' Top Health Official Delivers Passionate Plea

The IDPH doctor giving our daily Covid-19 briefings became very emotional yesterday, when announcing the rise in case numbers and deaths. 


For everyone who still thinks their personal liberty is being impacted by mask-wearing, for pities sake, take 5 seconds to consider what the medical professionals are going through, during all of this.






39 Replies 39

Needless to say that those that are not willing to even do the smallest of sacrifices for the betterment of society are selfish and should be dismissed as such without  further thought. On the hand, this should not translate that immediately any thought that reminds society of the abusive nature of humanity shouldn't  be automatically considered.

  ~  Example, at the outset of Covid 19, any municipality that reported 100 cases instantly starts getting Covid-19 'grants', well you guest it - immediately a thousand municipalities achieved that benchmark, overnight, before anyone knew what was going on. That moronic move has since been terminated.

  ~ Doesn't a case if marked as Covid-19 receives automatically 20% 'extra' from the Federal Government. That translate into a 20% incentive to inflate the numbers, to continue the fear (and that  cash flow). Human nature. A string of doctors have come out publicly how they been pressured by hospital administrators to 'play the Covid 19 game'.

   ~If a patient dies of the top terminal  deceases, but Covid-19 takes them 'over the top', they go into the count. Including cases of terminal cancer? Didn't CDC head Redfield  (in my opinion one corrupted, incompetent character), claims that masks trumped any coming vaccine (what a statement!) and didn't he admit just yesterday that cases of even heart attacks were improperly being counted as Covid 19. 

   Lastly, why would ONE scientist (Faucci) in the entire world  all of a sudden become the 'Supreme Expert' of Covid 19 (at least when he has time and not appearing in the front page of Style magazine by the pool or making stupid predictions) be the last & only word on the subject. Are you kidding me.

   Isn't the fear of Covid 19 playing havoc with world economies and some side effects could turn out to be ultimately worse than the body-count of this virus; a tiny example - it is guesstimated 650,000 cancer-treatment delays happened because of the Covid 19 the-only-one that-matters reaction by doctors & hospitals. Imagine all the other medical ramifications. Fear can be really deadly. 

   Like I have said before, the book on Covid-19 is going to be written, some chapters will make the reader proud of people like @Ann783 and those reminding people like @Sarah977 whose point is stop being so selfish & stupid, but many readers will infuriate the reader also.

   But no event should stop us immediately from thinking and sharing thoughts among each other in a respectful manner.



Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain

@Sarah977  You write very angry, but I will say it again. Wearing a mask is not a violation of my rights, and I always do it, of course. Violation of my rights is when I am locked up at any time at home, curfews are arranged, enterprises and borders are closed.
We have been wearing masks since March of the month and this is very strictly observed. Our children sit at school all day wearing masks (even in China it was canceled.) The Health Organization has recognized the constant wearing of masks as harmful. Have you not read this news?
But, we all do it. What I think is one thing, but of course I meet the requirements.
Since March (!) of the month we wear masks. It has no effect on anything, that's all.

@Anna9170   I just read this article about mask wearing in Spain, written by Enrique Dans. 


He writes this :-


"The problem, I am afraid, is one of education. Spaniards, like their latino counterparts, are highly social. Meetings with friends and family, or visits to crowded public places are part of daily life, and only stopped during lockdown, and the numbers rapidly improved. And while the media played up stories of people breaking the rules, in general, they were widely respected.


So what went wrong? With the idea of reviving the economy, we returned to a certain normality. Summer arrived, vacations, leisure, family… and most people continued to obey the mask rule. Or at least, it seemed that way. On closer examination, many people wear it around their neck, or with their nose out, or are constantly removing it to eat or drink, smoke, or to make themselves better understood. And as soon as anybody sits down at the table in a bar or restaurant, a terrace or enter somebody’s home, off comes the mask......


....In Spain, it looks like we’re all wearing our masks, but in reality, we’re all cheats. We wear them in the open air, where it is difficult to spread the virus. We then take them off when we go into a bar, when we sit at a terrace, and of course, in nightclubs and at home or the office. I have yet to see anyone who, on a visit to a friend’s house, welcomes them with a mask on, and much less leave it on during the visit. Which is why gatherings with family and friends have become, along with nightlife, the great transmitters of the pandemic, and have brought us to where we now are...."


The full article is here for you to read. 




En español:-




In reality, this is not just a problem in Spain, but all over the world, where families and friends gather at someone's home.  


Yes, if everyone wore a mask properly and in the situations where it's most important, that would help so much, but from my observation where I live in Mexico, they don't. People will carry a mask around with them because they need it to be allowed into most stores, but they'll pull some filthy mask they've worn 100 times without washing out of their pocket, put it on with their nose sticking out, then wad it up and stick it back in their pocket when they get out of the store. 


If that mask was contaminated with virus particles, either on the outside or inside, it's now all over their hands, all over both sides of the mask, inside their pocket. And they haven't sterilized their hands, either, after touching things in the store, the door handle that hundreds have touched, and the money they paid with. It defeats the entire value of the mask.


There's tremendous ignorance about safely wearing, removing and dealing with masks. There need to be demonstrations everywhere by health professionals on how to safely wear a mask. Because you can't see virus with your naked eye, people have a hard time understanding- they need to smear jam or something gross, all over the outside of the mask, pretend that's coronavirus, and then see if they're going to wad it up and stick it back in their pocket, and put it back on when they need to wear a mask again. It's the only way some people will understand. @Michelle53


@Sarah977   It reminds me of a clip I saw right at the beginning of the pandemic, aiming to demonstrate how the virus spreads.


4 people were "dinner guests" at a table. One had a clear, fluorescent  substance sprayed on her hands. 


After passing plates around and having their meal, the lights were switched off, and a light exposing fluorescent material turned on. 


That stuff was literally everywhere!  On all the common dishes, peoples' utensils, peoples' clothing, on hands and faces of all the guests, on drink glasses.


And that was just from contact - before people started filming the aerosolisation from coughing and sneezing, and the distance that can travel !


I think PSAs have been sorely lacking. 







Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain


Fred, thank you, these are golden words! Ready to subscribe to each word. 
And I did not understand from what moment the expression of my own opinion suddenly became something criminal. especially such an aggressive reaction. 
Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain

@Michelle53  An excellent link to an article by a certain Enrique Dans. Who is he? A blogger and a teacher who writes on his website about anything, about the election of President Trump or his opinion about the covid. He is neither a doctor, nor a virologist, nor a medic. Why do you bring me his opinion as proof?
Of course, there is some common sense in his text that the more hugs and kisses in a large company, the higher the risk of infection. For this reason, the statistics in Sweden has trouble, it is related to immigrant areas.
You wrote above that Sweden takes 17th place in the statistics, it's great! A country where no one's civil rights were suppressed, the economy was fully operational and people were not locked up - only in 17th place. And where anti-human measures were taken, they are on top of the list. 

Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain



It's amazing, I opened the link that you sent above. Sweden is in 43rd place, not 17th.
I played a little bit with the table "Report coronavirus cases" and made the option "yesterday". Sweden was also not in 17th place, and "two days ago" too, just about 40 place.
Why do you change the information in your message so much?))).  😉

This what Michelle wrote:

"Sweden, by the way, is number 17 in the world for deaths per million people. "


What you are referring to as being number 40 on the list is the number of infections in total for the various countries. Obviously countries with larger populations are showing a higher number of infections. If 10% of all the people in China have been infected, of course that is going to many more people in total  than 10% of all the people in Switzerland. That is not the same as the infection rate.


If you look on the right side of that world-o-meter chart, you will see the columns for infections and deaths per 1 million of the population. This is how you can see what % of the population has been infected and died and how you compare which countries' approach has worked better.



Level 10
New York, NY

Two things I know for sure/ wearing masks all day is not harmful- this is not factual information. Just something I learned in Medical School.

Dead and/or sick people won’t travel, or book airbnbs. Good luck reviving the economy without dealing with this virus