Do you offer early check in?

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

Do you offer early check in?

I offer early check in at no additional charge, if it's available - if the guest before hasn't requested late check out and if me or my cleaner feel we can get done in time. We are getting a lot of requests for it now: I'd estimate that a third of guests are requesting to check in around 1 pm - 2 hours prior to regular check in. We often hustle to get the flat ready in time. That would be okay, if it was actually a benefit to the guests. What's starting to annoy me is that two thirds of the people who request early check in don't even use it: they check in after the regular check in time anyways. It's making me think that it might be a good idea to charge for it, so that people actually value it as an offering. 


I'm wondering how all you other hosts deal with it. Do you offer it, and if so, do you charge? Have you had the same experiences as me, or do you think offering it is actually adding value? 

15 Replies 15
Level 10
Orono, ME


I let guests know that the space will be guaranteed to them by 3pm (my standard check in time.) If the apartment were not ready by 3pm I would be fully prepared to give them a free night. If they will be in the area early I will try to have the space ready ahead of time but cannot make any guarantees. Luckily, there are some great restaurants and cafes near by where they can get lunch or hangout. I will send them a message when the space is ready. Most times the apartment is ready well before 3pm but I can never be too sure about the guests checking out. It is true though that almost all of the time when someone tells me they will be there in the early afternoon they don’t actually end up getting there until 5pm.