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In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm look...
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In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm looking for a Key Exchange. I'm not sure but it seems HoardSpot is de...
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My manager said not to provide these items. I had them in the condo, but the maids took them out. He said do not provide any liquid items. what do you do? He said no one does.
@Terrilee0 YES provide Shampoo, Conditioner, soap, & body wash.
Also tea/coffee. Perhaps check other listings see their essentials. Some guests travell light, they expect these simple provisions.
@Terrilee0Yeah, a lot of places do provide the basics like soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc. Just look at your local competition and see what they're doing. As for food stuff like ketchup, I think that part is by individual preference. I do supply cooking oil, vinegar, spices, salt and pepper, and all supplies for coffee and tea. Your listing does say that you provide soap and other essentials, so if that's not the case, you should probably delete that.
Your listing has some issues: there's no written desciption, but it says that you should scan the QR code for a condo video, but Airbnb doesn't support that, so it's just blank. It also says to call somebody, but the phone number is hidden. Airbnb doesn't allow you to communicate directly with a guest until after a booking is made. You may want to preview the listing so you can see what the problems are.
@Terrilee0, as with @Syl11, I provide shampoo, body wash and conditioner. I have installed Pharmacopeia dispensers in each shower, which the maids can refill. These provide a steady supply of liquids with little mess and so far they have been a huge success.
In the kitchen, I provide coffee, filters, honey, sugar, creamer, an assortment of teas, oils and spices. Often times guests leave condiments such as mustard or whatnot, which we just leave in the fridge.
@John1080 re: Pharmacopeia dispensers, I looked online but there are no dimensions or how to afix to shower wall, would you know that information and could you please tell me. I have read a few reviews of other dispensers coming off the wall and problems with pumping. What do you think of the Pharmacopeia ones?
@Ange2, we used a strong silicone glue, I believe it was something along these lines https://www.amazon.com/Devcon-12045-Premium-Silicone-Adhesive/dp/B001005TX2, but not 100% sure.
So far, they've held up fine and have been popular with guests. There is a locking device built in as well.
@Ange2 https://directtextilestore.com/OceanSpa-Amenities-Bulk?_vsrefdom=directtextileps&keyword=&gclid=CjwK...
This one looks very similar to the one we have, but we use Pharmacopeia products. Not sure of the exact dimensions, but I'm sure it's on there somewhere.
@John1080 Thanks, few seem to give actual dimensions, I did write to Pharmacopia to ask them, the ones that have such info stick out 4-5 inches, which is too much. I will go by a local store and check it out. Thank you again appreciate the link.
I provide shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap, toothpaste, TP, Q-tips, and Kleenex. We also have a coffee machine and a selection of teas for guests.
Other foods or condiments I think would depend on the situation. As a host, my listing is a private room shared home so we let guests use what we have in terms of cooking oil, salt & pepper, basic condiments etc. Whatever we don't want guests to use, we store separately. As a guest user, I think it was 50/50.
Your "Manager" said not to provide these items, and "The Maids" took them out? I'd let your "Manager" know that YOU own the condo, and YOU have your own standards. If your "Manager" can't live up to your standards, I suggest you have "The Maids" take him out when they return the items they removed.
I provide handsoap. Not shampoo, conditioner or bodywash. Mainly because there are so many different opinions in which one is best. Some would like it for sensitive skin. Some would like it for the nice smell of it. It's female and male perfumes to it. Some would like to get volume hair, some would like less fluffy hair. And so on. But I do have it available if someone have forgotten it. I have written it in my add that we'll figure it out if they come emptyhanded.
I have an electric kettle in each room and my guests can choose from a variety of hot drinks such as coffee, tea, sugar and hot chocolate. And hosting a room with shared kitchen I always tell guests to help themselves to salt/pepper, spices and oil.
Mariann 🙂
Plenty of liquids. I also provise sunscreen, and insect repellant, and and and... How you host is up to you.
''nobody does''??? Completely wrong.