
Level 2
Moscow, Russia


Hi! what should i do if the guest spoiled my bed sheets, so i cant wash them clean (sheet's are white)? should i try to get money from the guest or boil them ? it's just some unwasheble sh*t on it. I am thinking about to charge this guest for spoiled sheets if they i am not able to clean them up

9 Replies 9
Level 10
Seattle, WA

@Golenkov0 I see that you don't have a security deposit for your listing, so I'm not sure whether you can claim the damage or not. You can try to check the resolution center and/or the send/request $ feature to claim it.

Level 4
Durham, NC

@Golenkov0, I think you just have to get new sheets and consider this as a cost of doing business. Will be interested in other's feedback. 

thanks, I agree

Level 1
South Pasadena, FL

I also believe that it's the cost of doing business.


Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


try with bleach . I put not deluted bleach on the stain, lleave for 15 min, then put in the washing machine, add 1 cup of bleach and turn on shortest cold programm (handwash). When it finishes then I wash it again on hottest program (90C)  with a detergent for whites and oxy clean additive

Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

Yes, it is a cost of doing business but I am sure that you can get the stain out. I use "Iron Out" and Borax. You could try soaking them in hot water with backing soda and then rinsing them with vinegar. It doesn't work as well as Iron Out and Borax so you would need to do that more than once.

@Monica4 does this work only for *fresh* stain or is it possible to remove *old/dry* stain?

It also removes old, dried blood stains. Put the Iron Out or the baking soda directly onto the moistened stain. Rub, and then put it into your washing machine to soak at least an hour (hot water), rinse and then do it again if necessary.

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Golenkov0If possible and not competitive hurtful, charge a bit more for just such events, it will make your life smoother. Beats chasing individual guests for their usual screw ups. Just a thought.

BTW, everytime I raise my price, I do 2-3 things to improve my place, even in the smallest way; I make a game of it.