Guest staying at present - a few red flags

Level 4
Limerick, Ireland

Guest staying at present - a few red flags

Hi folks,


I had a guest stay with me for three days last week, and she was due to also stay at mine from June 8 to 28.

On her first night here she brought a couple of friends/relatives to inspect the room. I thought nothing of it, as she said she is moving back to the area, and wanted a bit of peace of mind.

She left her gear in the room, but she has not spent a single night here. From what I understand, she has been staying in a local hotel with a friend of hers.

I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and we met last night, and I helped her with her CV - she is hoping to secure a job in Limerick. She asked me on Friday if she could add a friend to her upcoming stay, and I agreed she could, if she wanted to alter the booking on Airbnb.

When I met her last night, I asked her about it again, and she did a bit of a U-turn, and insisted she wants to plough her own furrow as it were. We agreed to remain in touch ahead of her second stay with me from Tuesday.

This afternoon, I received a notification from Airbnb telling me the reservation had been cancelled. I contacted her about it, and she insisted this never happened.

Even when I provided a screen grab of the email, she said she had not cancelled, and told me she had set up a new profile on Airbnb. Now she is hoping to meet me later

She appears to have changed tack again and is wondering if her friend can stay after all. She is angling after staying two months, even though I have previously told her I have another guest checking in on June 28.

As I said before, she has not slept one night here, despite paying for a three-night reservation. The only times she has been here is to seek help from me with her CV.

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but am struggling a bit here. Prior to her arrival, she seemed a bit 'all over the place', and this is a theme which has continued somewhat into her stay when she has asked me if she can use my computer to do online questionnaires and job hunts.

I am helping her as much as I could, but there are limits to what I can do. I am providing accommodation - not a job search facility.

When a guest hardly uses the accommodation they paid for, it rings all sorts of alarm bells. Am I being too sensitive here? Something doesn't' smell right.

17 Replies 17

hi Nick 🙂 Id be very careful about allowing anyone to use a personal computer again. They can download viruses or programs to control or manipulate your pc from a distance, ..too many options if theyre not trustworthy.  If shes not even staying there to sleep you can suggest she use the library for online needs. Glad shes left. 



Level 10
Charleston, SC


Sounds like a late night partier and stays out with random friends. But could be setting up a location to have things delivered without any documentation to her. To be on the safe side, when the reservation ends change out the lock or key code. 



Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

what a lucky escape @Nick1866 


Please leave an honest review to help warn future hosts considering her.