I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a st...
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I had a guest instant book for a checkin today. We have a strict 4pm checkin time & they showed up at 2:15 saying they chose ...
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This is Laura’s Husband. I have attempted to stay out of this affair but your rude attitude towards my wife has brought me into it. I am going to say this one time only. You are responsible for what you place in your business. You are responsible for maintaining insurance to cover your business and it’s contents. You are also responsible for the poor layout of your business. If this sign is so valuable it should not be near a game where balls are thrown. As an owner that is extremely irresponsible. Guest are not responsible for your lack of responsibility and as of this time this matter is closed. DO NOT contact my wife again regarding this matter.
For the record, I have not been rude in the back and forth messages via airbnb. If I was, I am sure airbnb would chastise me somehow. I have simply pursued this woman for guest breaking my prized $3000 neon light and causing $816 damage to it. She obviously expects airbnb's host guarantee (HG) to pay for the damage.
As a host who has had to go through the HG to recover damages that a guest refused to pay for ($1000 peed on mattress), I KNOW this is a huge time commitment and a "grey hair maker". I will have to double my blood pressure meds while I try to recover the funds from airbnbs HG. This just isn't fair.
"You are responsible for what you place in your business." What the actual F?
Using this reasoning, we should all run wild. After all, stores shouldn't put food out if they don't want us to eat it while shopping. Stores shouldn't put clothes on the rack if they don't want us spilling our drinks on it. That art museum should think twice before putting actual valuable art on display because I'm not responsible if I touch it and rip the canvas.
How about YOU are responsible for what your little crotch fruit damages??!!
@Suzanne302 OMG hahahahaha!!!! “Crotch fruit” !!! @Donald28 What Suzanne said !!!
@Donald28 Bet that makes the review you left them hurt all the more.
Now we just have to hope that life catches up with these creeps. For sure go in and report their profile.
Good luck with the claim.
i HAD to leave a good review for even the smallest chance of them actually paying for the damage. If I left a blatant bad review, they would have told me to screw off much sooner. I did click the "would NOT recommend" at the end of the review though. At least she can't rebook with me... I guess that doesnt matter since I don't use iB anyway. Hopefully, it somehow helps future hosts see her for the turd she is.
UPDATE: airbnb has a greed to pay $720 for the actual repairs but not the $211 that I will be out of pocket for the fuel, 4 hours of drive time, sign removal and reinstall (on the wall).
They said...
After a review of the circumstances surrounding the claim and the associated information, the time and gas are not eligible for payment under the Host Guarantee.
The Host Guarantee excludes payment for the following circumstances:
Non- physical damages
You are free to pursue reimbursement from your guest directly regarding your time and gas.
... which is bogus because this month they just paid $75 for ESTIMATED labor that it was going to take to fix a screen door that a guest put their hand through. Labor is obviously a non-physical and they paid me for that. Why would they NOT pay for my labor to drive 140 miles, my 14 gallons of diesel fuel @ $4/gallon and $80 for removal and reinstall of the sign? It's too big for me to lift and install on the wall so I have to hire my handyman and his helper to do it.
I've messaged the guest and asked for the $211 but will probably not get a response. I will probably publicly shame her on instagram and FB if she doesn't pay.
@Thomas1033 HG does not cover art, so you’re lucky they did not qualify you sign as art. Do you have security deposit? All in all, with that attitude towards parenting, you are lucky that was all they broke. I hope they never come to Chicago