Hosting standards and reviews

Level 2
San Jose, CA

Hosting standards and reviews

Hi Everyone, 

I have been a host since last 11 months. I have continuously listened to guests and kept improving. I have 13 reviews with 4.5 star ratings. But I keep getting a notification/ alert that I am at risk - "Your account could be suspended if you don’t focus on improving to meet Airbnb hosting standards". My commitment rate is 100%. Response rate is 100%. I think it is quite unreasonable for AirBNB to say that my standards are not up to the mark. What can I do?


2 Replies 2

Hi @Mani-and-KP0,


I'd suggest ignore it. It's probably a bug in the algo or  an over ambitious policy by airbnb that wants to keep only luxuary housing and not ordinary cozy homes.


Many of us have got that warning, as long as you are sure your rating won't go below 4, you don't need to worry.




Great, thanks!