Hosts: Note New Survellience Disclosures Required in Your House Rules

Level 9
Washington D.C., DC

Hosts: Note New Survellience Disclosures Required in Your House Rules

There is new feature you need to update or risk geting a nastygram from AirBnB that could suspend or deactivate your account.  You must document in your house rules if you have survellience equipment and if it is RECORDING. 
This is what you do: Go to your Listing, click on "Booking Settings" and click edit on "House Rules". Scroll down to "Details guests must know about your home". Look for "Surveillance or recording devices on property". You may have chosen "Yes" you have "Survellience devices" before but note AirBnB added a new text box where you must "describe any device that records or sends video, audio, or still images. Specify each device’s location and whether it will be on or off".  

Specifically you need state if you will be recording any video footage when your reservation is active and where the devices are. 
Now AirBnB's Community Standards require that we not "Violate others’ privacy or intellectual property rights".  We cannot "spy on other people; cameras are not allowed in your listing unless they are previously disclosed and visible, and they are never permitted in private spaces (such as bathrooms or sleeping areas)."
Now if you read the Community Standards, you may already be in compliance with them but note the Community Standards do not require you to disclose that you are recording.  I am sure AirBnB will get around to making the messaging consistent. As we know AirBnB has the best intentions and is trying to always update their platform to be user friendly, guest friendly, and have us being in compliance with the law. 
Do not overlook this issue. AirBNB, if you look online, is having a media issue on this problem. It is up to us hosts to be in compliance with the law.  Hosts do not always know about all these small changes so tell your fellow host friends to update their listings!
1 Reply 1
Level 1
Markham, Canada

Can the guest allowed to disable the camera and I can let them know they are not allowed to do that?