Hosts interested in offering their home to a charity for use

Level 1
East Grinstead, United Kingdom

Hosts interested in offering their home to a charity for use

Hello Forum Friends

I am involved in a local charity in Cary, NC - The Carying Place.  We provide lifestyle and budgeting skills to homeless families with children, with the added benefit of providing housing during their program with us (which lasts 16 weeks).  

On 3rd May, we are hosting our Annual Benefit Auction at which we are sourcing fabulous experiences to be able to auction off to the highest bidder, all of the funds raised are returned directly into the program that supports our families. 

I wasn't sure where to start or who to ask, so I hope at least somebody is reading this and could point me in the right direction if I'm in the wrong place or asking the wrong people! 

We would ask that the rental is provided free of charge, either for a long weekend or a week, and obviously the normal rental agreements would be signed ahead of the stay at your property - ensuing you are fully covered liability wise.

Please free to reach out to discuss further if this is someting you are interested in.

Simone [Surname hidden]

1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Simone563,


Welcome to the Community Center and thank you for everything that you do. It sounds like a very worthwhile charity. 


I would recommend contacting Airbnb's Open Homes program, which offers free, temporary housing to people who’ve left their home due to conflict, disasters, or medical care. They may be able to help. If you scroll right down to the bottom of this page, you will find their contact details. 


I hope this helps and wishing you the very best with auction.




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