How do you check out information about your guest

Level 2
Farmersville, OH

How do you check out information about your guest

I have a guest that looks very young and I have a 25 year old policy requirement.  How can I find out information regarding this guest and read reviews that were left on her by other hosts?


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Alice385  I am going to assume your resort/HOA restricts age here. I would simply as them if they meet the age requirement. If you have no documention of age restriction in your Resort or HOA documents, so long as they are 18 or older you have to rent to them. You can read any reviews they may have under the guests profile.

Level 2
Farmersville, OH

Hi Letitia - thanks for your quick response (I am new as a hostess).  We do have age requirements in our rental agreement but not sure if everyone reads everything.  I am not sure how to get to the guest's profile.  I tried clicking on their picture but that did not yield anything.  I would like to read what other hosts have said about this guest.  Thank you.

If this is an AirBNB booking, you aren't allowed to have an age requirement beyond of "legal age." That is part of the non-discrimination TOS. AirBNB doesn't really like ageism.

@Alice385   If there are no reviews posted on the profile, the guest just doesn't have any yet. It does not matter what you put in your rental agreement about age, if it is not a limitation put on you by your resort bylaws or HOA agreement or your insurance company requirements. You cannot restrict anyone  who is 18 years old or older on AirBnB. You need to read your agreements and policies to find this out ASAP otherwise your account will be flagged for Discrimation and your listing can be pulled.   

Hi @Alice385,

When I (Pandora) was in my twenties I looked like a tween... some people look very young. Ask them to verify the government I.D., or for a driver's license/passport.
