How many people cover for Dirty Guests ?

Level 2

How many people cover for Dirty Guests ?

I have Run Air BnB for over 3 years and would love to show the truth on the Ratings but you cant. The problems is you leave feed back 1st then the Guest sends feed back.   Do you tell the truth about how clean the customers leave your accommodation ?  I Want to show other hosts how bad some customers leave accommodation..  2nd People turn up at 9 pm 10pm 11 pm And Expect you to go over and open up Accpmmodation or do free pick ups from Bus stations or train stations Well After you allowed bookin time has ended.

The 3rd Big problem is the Customer books for  12 Pm to move in And wants in at  8.30 am   Or the Customer Wants a 5 pm Flight Home and only books the Accommodation till 12 pm     We need a new  Service that we can offer Short time stays for up to 6 hrs  If customers dont want to book another full day.


Air BnB  Needs to ask us all the problems we face Hosting this way they will understand what its like.  NOT AS EASY as they think it is for sure.


We have  50 Guests a week or more.



4 Replies 4


1. A guest never sees your review until either two weeks have past and they can no longer write a review or until after they write their own review of you. The review process is couble blind.


2. Always be truthful when you write a review. You are not helping your fellow hosts by covering up bad behavior.


3. If you want to charge extra for additional time, then put the hourly charges in your listing and in your house rules and stipulate that the time must be requested when booking. Should someone want additional time then you can simply send a bill through the resolution center for them to pay. It's just like a pet fee or something similar.


4. It is impossible for Airbnb to write a program that covers every need of every host but they have provided tools that we can use to accomplish much of what we need.

Air BnB Don't offer this as an additional service. for up to 6 hr Extensions

Not do they cover Electricity charges.  I have meters so we can bill Customers who stay in or Abuse the Electricity supply. Many Customers leave the air condition on all day and go out.


I  looked at your information and will add extra fees to cover early or later Arrivals or checkout

Thanks for your feedback


Regards Charles


Level 2

You cant show the state your Accommodation is left when the customer moves out many times it's very dirty and not nice at all to clean up.  The lower prices for accommodation attract many Guests without money to live and they stay in the Room or Apartment all day Running up big Electricity bills.


If we have a system to have extended time would be good lots people turn up at 7.30 am and want in before 1 pm the time to move in. also, lots want to move out well after 11 am check out. So if customers can book an extension this would be helpful. In our Hotel, We do short time rentals to cover the About  250 baht for 4 hrs Extensions.




Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


as @Tim-and-Holly0 said - you can write in your house rules that early check-in or late check-out will cost xx$ per hour for max xx hours and is possible only if you don't have another group of guests check-out or in the same day.

You can charge it through the resolution center (send or receive money)


You can allow them to keep their luggage for another hour or two if it doesn't bother you or direct them to the nearest luggage storage (if any in your town)


You are not obligated to drive your guests to or from the bus station but you can offer to call the taxi for them. You can connect to some taxi driver and call him when your guests need a transfer.


this is what we do


Maybe it would be a good idea to upgrade your unit so you can have higher prices and attract better guests