I don't agree with airbnb charging customers more than I advertise - host service fees are ok only

Level 2
Marlow, United Kingdom

I don't agree with airbnb charging customers more than I advertise - host service fees are ok only

13 Replies 13
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi Eva,


Perhaps you can clarify what extra charges you make reference to.


The only charge that springs to mind is the guest's service fee which is part of Airbnb's business module and declared in their terms and conditions; the guest is informed upfront of this fee and has a choice to use Airbnb or look elsewhere.


All the best,



Taxes are sometimes added. Are those the fees you are referring to (in addition to the service fee)?

Level 2
Marlow, United Kingdom

Airbnb could easily make their service fee they charge the host larger and include vat where relevant - hosts advertise what they think the property would achieve it is very difficult to take an unknown quantity into account there and from an advertise,ent and transparency perspective the customer is almost mislead by seeing the advertised price having significant extras - I would much rather airbnb reduce what they pay me as host so I can control the price the customer will pay - I realise that would reduce monies paid to me as a host but that is the right way round.

As a guest, I would prefer if the price listed was inclusive of taxes and fees - i.e. total price, instead of having to click into each one to see what they are.  Not sure if anyone that's reading these can do anything about it.  Would also be nice if cats/dogs could be in the filters, since I am allergic.

Level 2
Marlow, United Kingdom

I agree


Level 2
Marlow, United Kingdom

I would prefer if all service fees come out of the price as advertised as it gives the wrong impression to customers as a lady also says below - that the advertised price has additions that the host is not in crontrol of - I don't mind airbnb taking a cut and I am ok with it being larger but I don't want it to be added on top but rather reduce my earnings as a host.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Ok, I think there are two issue being discussed now - the original conversation which suggested that it was not right for Airbnb to charge guest a service fee on top of the cost of the accommodation, and the more recent direction of the conversation suggesting an acknowledgement of all fees although a preference for all the fees to be displayed on the search page as opposed to going in to each individual listing to get this information.


Re the first point, Airbnb charge a fee to both the Host and the Guest, this is part of their business model. In order to use Airbnb both guest and host have to set up an account which requires you to read the terms of condition and it clearly states they will charge both the host and guest for their services, they even provide an approximate percentage of charges. You are then asked to agree or disagree, if you agree you can set up an account and use Airbnb otherwise you can't use Airbnb, it's a simple as that.


Regarding the more recent conversation which suggests a preference for the total fee to be shown on the listing page, the benefits of this are understandable and perhaps in the future Airbnb might consider this change request. However with the number of technical glitches they appear to have had recently with their platform and the mobile app's I doubt this is an immediate change that will happen although who am I to say…. it doesn’t hurt for guest and host who feel strongly about any particular issues/ improvements to continue to make suggestions to Airbnb directly which might improve the chances of such change being considered. 


A majority of people use Airbnb because it is already cheaper than similar hotels, B&B or hostel accommodation even with the additional guest fee charged on top of the listing fee; there are numerous options available to book accommodation short or long term on-line, Airbnb  is only one on them but people have a choice to use alternatives where Airbnb is not suitable to their needs including price range.

Quite a few hotels also add service fees / taxes/ booking fees at the final stage where you are ready to make payments; Airbnb is not the exception albeit they may be a bit more user friendly if they could display full fees on search pages.

That said, I doubt this will stop people using Airbnb as what they have to offer outweighs the small inconveniences.


Best wishes,



Level 2
Marlow, United Kingdom

Than you Anna - it does not stop users using airbnb but I hope they change the practise of charging customers as well as hosts. They should simply increase the charge to the host. 


Anyway I am sure there will be other airbnb like companies popping up to compete with airbnb as it starts to charge too much for use of its platform.

Level 10
Brunswick, Australia

Hi @Eva66,


Personally I appreciate the total breakdown and fee structure. Every Guest can dive into the specifics and understand the relative cost structure easily from their perspective. The Host cost (approx 3%) is simply to cover merchant fees.



There are already alternative platforms with more Host centric cost structures that you can explore. Airbnb aren't going anywhere or worrying about a competitor anytime soon.






Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I hear your point Eva, I have to say that in my view, Increasing the cost to the host is not a solution as the host will simply increase the cost to the guest to cover the difference therefore a mere task of moving from pillar to post.


In general Airbnb host do not charge much for their accommodation whist still trying to provide a great experience. I can only really speak for myself so to give an example, when I deduct taxes, utilities(water, gas & electric), essentials (shower gels, shampoo, hair conditioner, toothpaste, toilet paper, hand wash), parking cost, beverages(tea/ herbals, coffee, hot chocolate, juice, milk and bottle water) couple of cereals, fruits, bread & butter plus I provide a snack basket, I'm left with half the amount of my daily charge which contributes as a percentage  towards my mortgage for the room. I'm fine not making a profit but if I make a loss it won't be worth it so if Airbnb charge me more, it only gets passed on to the guest - ultimately the guest will still pay the same price just collected from the host instead of Airbnb so what's been achieved.


Airbnb do not own any properties as such need to provide favourable terms to hosts in order that hosts let out their properties on favourable terms to guests and It’s working very well, you don’t get much cheaper like for like than Airbnb and globally as well. 


It’s not necessarily a negative if competitors pop up, it just means a demand for a service/product has been recognised; Airbnb is a competitor for hotels but hotels are still thriving, each has their niche.



Level 2
Oakland, CA

How do I see what a guest is being charged? How do I see what the guest is seeing as the full cost?

Level 3
Oria, Spain

I get most of my bookings through Booking.com where the advertised price for a room is what I set and thus what the customer pays so I can remain competitive.  The agent then takes commission from the total amount.  I thought AirBnB must work this way too when I first started as the price was as I stated it but then 4 euros was added to the customer and since then because the price is now higher I get few or no bookings as everyone uses the other agent which I am happier with.

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Andy542 you can calculate how much you get on booking after the fee is deducted and set up that price on Airbnb so when they add their service fee the price will pretty much be the same.