I want to write a guest review but website will not facilitate

Level 1
Toronto, Canada

I want to write a guest review but website will not facilitate

I would like to leave a review for a guest who left 48 hours ago but there is no option to do so. I looked everywhere in addition to the profile section --> reviews by you. There it says "Nobody to review right now." I have not received the automated prompt from Airbnb.

Help please!

2 Replies 2
Level 2
Port Angeles, WA

Hi Cicely- I had the same problem. Usually after a guest leaves airbnb send me a notification to write a guest review but it didnt happen this last time. Trying to call but there is no number to call airbnb. I just hope this problem dosent make people feel like they have been snubbed or there are even more problems with the web site like people are not able to book. -Izzy

Level 2
Port Angeles, WA

I called airbnb 1-415-7982124 and the review notification is a technical problem so they set it up on their side and sent me a review notification.