Instant Book & Smart Pricing

Level 2
Vienna, Austria

Instant Book & Smart Pricing

Dear hosting community,

Am I the only one that feels that the combined pressure on turning on Smart Pricing & Instant Book is kind of a way in which AirBnB is mobbing hosts?

I am very fed up with it.

Sure, turn on features that may be good for some. Sure focus your business on guests - that's where you get your money from indeed.

But the way the website is designed feels very coercive and manipulative.

My main listing has been off both features for years and I have been doing perfectly fine.

I have just added a new listing and i have been appalled at how manipulative the creation process was.

Back off airBnB!!



21 Replies 21

Hi @Andrea1168,


The only reason the 'collective' WE are on this forum is for one of two reasons:


1) Need help

2) Can/might be able to help


Even after generations of hosting in my family, I am relatively new to the AirBnB platform and I owe an incredible debt of gratitude to this generous community. 


None of us are on AirBnB's payroll.





Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

Airbnb,, Vrbo, we love em, we hate em, we use em, they use us.

@Andrea1168 stay on the forum, read posts, reply to posts and you will understand you are one of thousands that don't particularly like what airbnb or any of the other platforms are doing. We all have a choice and so long as they keep bringing the bookings in, I'll be making a profit.

Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Good joke with that payroll, @Andrea1168

Airbnb CS don't like me because they don't want to see what I can. And it's not testosterone, @Rene-and-Zac0, to me it senses like Tirol. If one has ever had any encounter with people there, you will know what I mean...

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

**bleep**, you saw right through my lederhosen...

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

I was bopping around looking up facts on Airbnb today, wondering what is the percenbtage of hosts with IB today, and stumbled on this:


Nearly of 50% bookings are now Instant Bookings, now that really surprised me. And they have 4 million listings. Didn't think Europe was that strong in numbers, with France leading the way. Check out the odd places available via Airbnb: treehouses, yurts, boats, RVs, earthhouses (really?) and even castles, and of course islands (at least 1 :->).

Level 10
New York, United States

  1. Andrea i think you need to be more humble ,stop being frustrated,and go into something that will make you fell better again
  2. Be here now.When you are frustrated then you are often somewhere in the future in your mine
  3. Appreciate what you do have

Focus on what you can do right now , Because you are stuck in the pass with pain have some one did some thing wrong to you,boy you sound so bitter


Airbnb help a lots of people if they see it or not. I I belive you don't see any more what life is about, take my advice buy a puppy, and help that puppy grow with love hope you fine the love of your life you know what i mean, PS you wont hear from me again only untile you lean to love and live plus every Host here do a good job in helping each other

Wow, this is fast becoming comedy gold.

Thanks for a good xmas morning laugh.