we are new to hosting and I was wondering how hosts are able to leave keys for guests when it is in a condominium. The entrance is a shared space with a buzzer and because we are right downtown the entrance does not offer much space to leave lock boxes. Are people leaving keys in the parkade for their guests? I would be unable to meet most people so I’m hoping for some suggestions here!
if the entrance does not have a code, just a buzzer, you are in trouble. If you can manage to get the people inside the building, you can install a lock box next to your door or change the lock into a code lock. But if entering the building requires somebody to answer a buzz...
My condominium house has a number lock at the entrance from the street. Then my apt has this key safe. Works wonderfully.
I've got the perfect solution - Keycafe. In short, go to a Keycafe location (hopefully they've got one in your city), add a tracking device to your keys, and place your keys into the SmartBox at their location. Your guests will get a message with the location and code. That way they can then get your keys when it's convenient for them. You can check out this post that explains how it works: **