Location - 4 star review - Help!

Level 3
Canyon Lake, TX

Location - 4 star review - Help!

I had a guest leave me a positive review however gave me a 4 star for accuracy/location because we didn’t have hiking trails in our neighborhood. So I was kind of freaked out I wouldn’t make Superhost status (I did receive Superhost status). However I did take this to heart and changed my description to state there are no hiking trails in our neighborhood but stated they are a few located near by. I also included a few in the digital guidebook on Airbnb. I don’t think people even know it’s there. I even found a Airbnb experience that I list in my description for a guided tour.  


Now I just had another guest leave a positive review but gave me a 4 star for accuracy/location and an overall rating of 4. 😢 She stated “appears more secluded in the photos than it actually was. Nevertheless didn’t notice the neighbors”. 


 The property has tall hedges on one side and a privacy fence on another side, the front entrance also has hedges with a chain link fence. The only exposed area is the back of the property which has a 4 foot chain link fence. The neighbor is not really around that much but they have a business with some machinery and an old junk truck on their lot. Ugh! 


So my question is: are my photos coming across as more secluded and should I post a picture of the back of the property (like the one I included here)? I take pride in my Tiny Cabin and I want my guests to feel they received the best experience. 


Now I’m afraid I won’t make my Superhost status. 




20 Replies 20
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


I suppose, in the background of your second picture are your neighbors? Could you grow some green fence/bush/hedge between your back porch and your neighbors? 


You could take a few pictures from far away so it shows what's around your cottage

I thought about growing bushes of some kind to hide the open view - main problem I’m sitting on a bedrock! 


I will however post a few more pictures showing the open area. 


Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Forget about the super host status its a stick to beat your own back with...



I lost super host status because I haven't hosted for a while, how can that alter whether I’m a super host or not, is my question?


Level 10
Albany, Australia

@Rinny0, I couldn't find the review you mentioned (“appears more secluded in the photos than it actually was. Nevertheless didn’t notice the neighbors”) but there is sometimes no accounting for people's ratings, especially when it comes to Location. The location rating is simply unfair and a great many hosts complain about this. Your cabin looks lovely and your reviews are great, so try not to take it too much to heart. Perhaps you could put some kind of fencing up to block off the view of the neighbours? In the meantime, I guess you could provide a photo that shows the proximity/view of the neighbours so people are forewarned.

It was a private review with an overall rating of 4


i will post more pictures of the surrounding areas.  No problems with the neighbors and we have discussed putting up a privacy fence. $$$$ 😢

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Rinny, let it roll off your back, the review system does not take into account that guests are loopy.


A/......guest wants a listing close to the centre of town but finds they are a bit beyond their budget so looks further afield until he finds a listing that suits his pocket, books it and then marks the host down because the property wasn't where he wanted it!!!


B/.......Guest says in the review the stay was perfect, everything they wanted but.....there is no such thing as 5 stars, that is that ultimate that does not exist so gives a 4 star, as in this review!



10 of my reviews are exactly like that Rinny, absolutely nothing wrong, and each time I get one like that my overall rating stats takes a hit, I drop 1% and it takes 20 5 star reviews to recover from that and get back where I was!

The review system is a sham and a complete lot of nonsense where we each live in lala land and pat each other on the back and say what wonderful humans we all are to simply stay in the business of hosting without being delisted.!

Don't take it to heart, just accept it Rinny, and just get on with the business of being the great host that you are.





Level 10
Princeton, NJ

Well, when I think of the words cabin and lake, I do tend to imagine something fairly secluded. Maybe you could include some more photos of the neighborhood and a street view? You could mention in the listing that the nearest neighbors are X meters/yards away.

Good idea Julie!  I will certainly make those revisions! 


I am fairly new at this hosting experience - and since I have been dinged two times on location  (different concerns) it just tells me I need to write a better description of the property. 


So  back to the drawing board for the umpteen times!  However I know I can’t please everyone but I will definitely learn from this! 

Level 10
Savannah, GA

Yep, the star ratings are very frustrating at times, and getting rated less than 5* for location is pretty standard. Guests don't read! It's been discussed ad infinitum, but it's a given that we can't move our property. I got a 4* for value the other day when it was 4 people staying for cheaper than the worst hotel in the historic district. Sigh.


Maybe the word "cabin" denotes a secluded place in the country? Try "cottage" or "tiny house" instead?  


In my listing, after some 4* ratings on location (because we are a 10-15 minute walk from the center of tourist activities) I changed my wording to play up why our neighborhood is great (it's really quiet, you can park for free. . .) while emphasizing that we are off the beaten path. So maybe you can adapt your description so it's clear what they are getting. 



Airbnb sent me one of those "helpful" notices that I needed to improve my photos, but they are worth their weight in gold for all the times guests say, "Wow, it's even better than it appears in the photos." 

I thought about cottage originally however it really is a cabin (at least that’s how they are advertised). 


But you are right about the meaning of a cabin. So I’ll just write a better description and post more pictures of the surrounding neighborhood.  


btw: Your cottages are lovely! 💕

Thank you. 


I've had to really work on not getting hurt or frustrated when guests don't "get" our property. It happens! And sometimes people are stressed out on vacation and things don't go as planned, so they might take it out on the host in the review. It always stings, but I take it less personally now when I get fewer than 5 stars on things I can't help.

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

Location is a big bugbear for hosts! I have been dinged because I am on a hill. Well, my village is hilly. After several dings on the hill I now mention it several times in the listing. Seems to have done the trick.

Level 10
Somerville, MA

@Rinny0. I just reviewed your listing and I would think, based on the listing and pictures, that you are in a secluded location. The emphasis seems to be on 'it is a tiny cabin' but you will want to 'be outside with lots of land.' You may need to indicate that this is a large lot but in an established neighborhood with, well, neighbors. Cute as can be though...

Good point Susan! Now I see how they could think that this property is secluded. Will make corrections ASAP. 

Thank you