Los Angeles planning commission recommends only 90 days per year per host!

Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles planning commission recommends only 90 days per year per host!

I hope people showed up to this meeting or at least sent a letter to the planning commission because the city is still at war with Airbnb. If we don't fight them, then they will flat out ban airbnb in LA!

From this Curbed article....

"The commission’s recommendation is to put limits on vacation rentals, capping the number of days a host can rent to 90 days each year; banning them in rent-controlled buildings; and corking the number of vacation rentals that can be active at any give time, restricting them to 1 percent of the city’s overall housing stock."


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Los Angeles, CA

I attended the meeting today.  I left around 11:30 am.  I was told I would receive an email of the decision made by the officials.  I guess our voice was not heard!



How many hosts showed up to speak to the commission? Was there a common theme? Example- "I really depend on the income. Capping at 30 days would really hurt."


Also, I would love to know how in the world they would pick and choose which hosts get to be part of the 1% who get to stay in business.


In the article, it says that the planning commission makes a "recommendation". Do you know to whom? To LA City Council?


BTW I sent them a letter. I hope it was either read out loud or presented to each person on the commission.