Lost Client due to unclearity about earnings from AirBnB

Level 1
Ma'ale Adumim

Lost Client due to unclearity about earnings from AirBnB

Hi all,


I just lost a client due to unclarity from AirBnB.

The case is as follow:

I had a booking for a month and a half.

In one case we would earn a 5.000 ILS (New Israeli Sheqel), but in another mail we received AirBnB said the eranings would be 3.600 ILS.

These amounts are without the fee towards AirBnB which in both cases were a 150 - 200 ILS.

However the difference of 1500 ILS of eranigs was stunning to be shown.


I have asked AirBnB how this was about (with screenshots). They didn't reply.

Because of the unclearity I now lost a potential client.

But what is botehring me more is, how on earth can there be a difference of 1500 ILS for the same booking???


And how can I make AirBnB reply to this question?





1 Reply 1

Hi @Dennis6,


I'm unable to figure why that could've happened. Which mail id did you use to send the info Airbnb? If that hasn't worked, try one of the numbers on previous itinenaries to call them directly or use any of these ways, twitter has the fastet response apparently, https://community.airbnb.com/t5/Tips-Tricks/Contact-Airbnb-A-Community-Help-Guide/m-p/16165#M728


Also let them know that because of this issue, you lost a 45 days booking. Sometimes they send gifts or gift cards or travel credits if the problem was genuine.


Good luck 🙂
