Hello how can I put my listing to 6 or 12 month. If any one...
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Hello how can I put my listing to 6 or 12 month. If any one can help me to be hosting my place so when I'm out of town I don...
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Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.
Thank you very much! Hopefully we can solve our porblem. Wish you best luck!
I have written the big honcho, Brian Chesky, numerous times but not the courtesy of a reply. they must be too embarrassed to acknowledge what is going on. we really should all band together and put this out to the public at least - if not sue them
please send me the list also. this needs to be publicized far and wide.
Hello @Nicole272,
I hope you are ok.
I've just sent you a direct message here in the CC.
Hope to speak with you soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
who is the manager for canada? i am getting nowhere with my missing payouts.
Although I'm not mising any payouts, I remain deeply interested in this problem and wonder how these issues are being resolved and the reasons they occured inthe first place.
That is why I started this thread (below) which I intended to address the root causes of AirBnB missing payouts and how, ultimately the problems are being resolved.
I would like to hear some further follow-up from hosts, on this or the above thread, that have had this problem: why do you think it occurred? How did AirBnb resolve it, if they did?
What advice do you have for other hosts to avoid this problem?
Payment issues yet again. Unbelievable. Every. Single. Payout. For the last 5 there has been an issue. Hosting for over a year, Superhost twice in a row so far yada, yada, yada. People love my place, no issues, except Airbnb not paying without me jumping through hoops and harassing them constantly on the phone. Not a way to run a business at all.
We never seem to learn from this thread what causes the missing payouts.
Do you know why you're missing payouts?
Thats the most frustrating part. No one I have contacted can give me a straight answer as to why my payments seem to be constantly getting delayed.
I actually dread payout days because I know I’ll spend the better part of my day chasing my payments down.
Do you use PayPal to get your payments?
What exactly do they tell you? Do they blame your pay method? Do they blame the bank? Are they suggesting to you that it is in anyway your fault?
I find PayPal to be an outstanding company. I use their credit card, I use PayPal credit and I use them for my Airbnb payouts. I have never had a single problem in ten years of using the company.
I'm not suggesting that it will solve your problems though.
I'm wondering aloud if payment method is a factor.
It's unbelievable that hosts are having this problem. Also unbelievable that there doesn't seem to be an answer and that most hosts don't seem too concerned about it. Wait till it happens to you, eh.
I began a thread to find out more about this but it's not getting much traction.
Yes, I use PayPal and concur with your assessment. An excellent company. Once Airbnb actually release my payment, it’s available in PayPal immediately.
As for what I’ve been told by the employees who answer the phones, it’s almost easier to say what I haven’t been told! Every excuse in the book from blaming PayPal to claiming I’ve already been paid to issues with my guest’s credit cards to pretty much anything to obfuscate and delay.
I must make make clear that, thus far, I’ve always been paid. It’s just that at first, the payments were automatically in my PayPal account within 24 hours of guest check in. Now I have to chase them down and while I do eventually get paid, it’s not smooth and it’s certainly not what one would expect from a company such as Airbnb.
Thanks for the clarification. That answers quite a few of my questions.
I'm noticing that it doesn't happen to everyone, but it seems to happen multiple times to the same people.
So far for my first year I've had flawless payments to my PayPal account.
@Lizzie claims that there are so many possible reasons that it cannot be easily clarified.
I take it that once they do pay you, they do not clarify exactly what the problem was. Is that correct?
It's stressful enough without these problems. And I'm sure you do enough work without having this additional work heaped on you for no freaking reason of your own doing.
I too have waited almost a month so far to receive my Payout & they say the same thing some glitch with the "System". What a crock of **bleep**, they use the money to play the money market & they don't care how long we wait for our funds. It's Appalling.
So who is it that's gambling with our money?...and how can we expose this, anyone with connections to the media or better still the alternative media, can we get some U-Tube videos going, how can we counter these fraudsters???