
Level 1
Pāhoa, HI


We have 5 listings (houses) as well as a sixth listing (estate) for all our listings at once for weddings and such.  The website multi calendar view is very important to us but has not been working for 2 days.  I don't know how to report website problems like this.  We are very hopeful this will be fixed soon because without multicalendar view  coordinating reservations is much harder and more time consuming.  Much appreciation for any help.

43 Replies 43
Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

the same problem and we have it regulary... how the 30 billion company is not abble to make a simpel web paga running normally...


the graphical arrangement of the former Multi-Calendar was not perfect. It was just not enough dates on one page.

Than it changed and now it looks like ASCII-Graphics and is not very usable anymore.

I have 4 rentouts now and satup a fifth not long ago.

It would be helpfull to have something running properly here.

If some official is reading this: It would be also helpfull to have an instrument of logical blocking from one account against the next one.

I think a "Multi-Calendar" would be the best place to install this. Its necessary when somebody rents-out one whole apartement in one profile and all the single rooms in separate profiles. When one single room is booked the booking of the whole apartement must be blocked. AirBnB could provide an easy logic to automate this individually. I am doing this now by hand. At least I need a good visualisation of a so called "Multi-Calendar" to avoid multiple rentouts.

regards Jens

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

mac calendar

You can export your airbnb caledar to most calendar apps. This is how my calendar looks on my mac for example. Open airbnb on a destop browser, go to calendar -> availability setting -> sync calendar -> export calendar. You get an url link. Copy it and in the calendar app go file -> new calendar subscription and past the link. Now evertime you do a refresh all you will see the latest bookings instantly.

So when I did this, because the check out day was considered a full day, airbnb blocked an extra day on the end of every booking, and I couldn't stop it, so I had to unsync.  Do you have the same issue?  If not, how did you get around it?


Level 2
Boston, MA

I have 6 apts on Airbnb and multi-view is essential for me where did it go?

Found the multi-view tab !!!!

Go to your calendar of one of your  listed properties. When the tab drops down youll see all your listings at the bottom is "multi-view" ! Hooray 

Thank you!!  I manage 14 rentals, and the multi-calendar is essential!

Level 3
South MacLean, Australia

Thank you Emily you just saved me. Added a new listing and I need my multi view

Thank you from your freinds Down Under in Australia. Have a beautiful day I was looking everwhere to get it back xx

Is this still working for you? I can't get a tab. I believe multi calendar is now removed unless you have 6 properties. 

Level 2
Birmingham, United Kingdom

I can not view the multi calendar any more. Why has it stopped showing suddenly? This page is essential to the running of my airbnb business. Please help.

 It stopped showing for me too. 

Same here. Disaster. I also don't know how to run things without it. 

Muti calendar is essential to me too...Please help urgently

Level 2
Potomac, MD

Where is the multi-calendar?

Does Airbnb know its missing?