My guest accidentally gave a 1-star rating in one category. She wants to change it. Can she?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

My guest accidentally gave a 1-star rating in one category. She wants to change it. Can she?

I've never had a 1-star rating before, so I made sure to ask the guest if there was anything in particular that needed attention. She was shocked and apologetic; she didn't mean to give a 1-star rating and wanted to change her review.


Is this possible?  I'm hoping so!




5 Replies 5
Level 10
New York, NY

Hi @Keith10

Ask your guest to contact Airbnb CS and ask for their help... Who knows... they are able to change reviews in some cases..



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Did you ask over the airbnb messaging service? If so maybe you can contact airbnb and ask them to review the communication and make the change. Otherwise you can ask her to please contact airbnb herself. You might want to point out where she can find the phone number. (It's on the itinerary, or search this forum for how to contact airbnb.) I've heard of Airbnb fixing mistakes like this.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

I would LOVE to contact Airbnb. I just spent 40 minutes trying to do so. Anybody have any advice?  When I click on "visit our contact page", for some reason, I'm given contact information for a booking I made as a guest for three months from now. I find myself clicking around in circles, never getting to a place where I'm actually in contact with a human at Airbnb.  How very frustrating.  



Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Search this forum. It's perhaps the most common question asked. Your local customer service's phone number is also at the bottom of the email you got confirming the reservation.
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I just realized I already mentioned that you should search the forum. Did you try?