My listing isnt showing up in search

Level 1
Lisbon, Portugal

My listing isnt showing up in search

When I search for my place it doesn't show up in the search result… Because last summer I was refusing some guests I can even understand that Airbnb algorithms might put my place by the end of the search results… But the thing is… its not showing up… and the worst part is that as soon as I log in (with my user and password), my place "mysteriously" shows up as the first hit in the search... Now that I have moved from my place and am ready to rent it more often the algorithms are not helping at all…

It's sad to see that Airbnb values more the people (and companies!?) that probably depend exclusively on Airbnb for their income and go for any guest at any time… nothing against them obviously, but in this process Airbnb kinda forgets about the ones that are more in tune with the original philosophy of the website, the ones that sometimes, for an extra income, decide to share their house, and a little bit of their life with complete strangers! I think I can say I am one of them, just check my history and reviews…

Thank you very much,

Best regards,


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Athens, Greece

@Nuno47 search algorithm is very complicated! We can't know exactly how it works because it has a big number of criteria. 

But have in mind that the algorithm works totally differently for every user who makes a search. 

When you search through your won profile, it is natural to see your listing first because it is your listing and because your browser has visited this page many times. 

If you clear all your browser history and you make the search through an Incognito Window, you will have a more objective image, but you will not still be able to see what different user see. 

The algorithm uses criteria such as the guest's search history, the guest's booking history, the guest's contacts in social media, the guest's age, the number of guests and many other things that you cannot control. 

So, what can YOU control? Your prices, your calendar, your photos, your description text, your response rate and to some extend your reviews.


Some very common tips for a better place in search results:

- Change the prices on some dates of your calendar every single day! (just a dollar) Even, Airbnb support team has suggested me so.

- Change some words of your description text every single day!

- Select a very attractive first photo, so that more guests open your listing.

- Set lower prices for some period and then you can raise them again

- Ask some friends or relative to save your listing, maybe to make you a request and pre-approve them, or even to make an one day's booking at your place. It moves the listing!

- Make search through Incognito Window in your area and when you find your listing, click on it. 


I am sure you will have bookings again, because your listings is very nice! 


Hi Ira,


Thank you very much for your reply which I totally agree with...


And just to make it clear I was actually using a new PC in another country with no Airbnb history...


But the main question... "Why Doesnt my place show up?" is the one I would like to get answered...


For me it is strange (to say the least) to be searching in the map of my area and my place simply does not exist!


I think the algorithm is not at all "real airbnb host" friendly!





@Nuno47 if you search by map and you still can't find your listing, then it is not a problem of the algorithm. It is something else. 

So, why don't you contact Airbnb to ask about it?



Thanks again!


And I would... only if the I could easely find where is their contact...


Can you also help me with that? Sending me a link where I can find a way to contact them?


I somehow found it difficult and not user friendly to get an e-mail or a phone number to take care of this kind of issues!