NEW? Linking Airbnb calendars to each other :)

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

NEW? Linking Airbnb calendars to each other :)

Did you know? I noticed it today : 


If you have multiple listings on Airbnb (for example, an entire home and a room inside that home), you can link their Airbnb calendars to prevent double-bookings.




Top Answer

I found the new instructions.  Hope this helps.





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46 Replies 46
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

It is just few clicks to link them and it works ... for now 🙂








Level 10
Bergen, Norway

I don't seem to have this available yet. At least I can not follow the receipe described...


Mariann 🙂


I got a message about it in my ABB inbox 


I just have to wait then 🙂


Level 2
Glencoe, United Kingdom

I tried doing this  - I have 3 listings with AirBnB. I was told I had to set up new listings to be able to syncrinise with other calanders But before these went live all the other listnings were blocked! I was still getting enquiries from AirBnB guests and was unable to get into my listings to reply. This went on for 24 hours and I lost my 100% response rating as a result of not being able to reply. It was a complete nightmare!

AirBnB told me that they had suspended my listings as there had been unusual activity on my listings - yes I was following instructions!!

I gave up in the end! 



@Viki1 strange... bc it is really easy.... if you have a listing for the whole house and then let's say 2 listings for 2 rooms which you can also rent separately then :

you have to choose the whole house first , click next, then it asks you what listings /rooms are inside that house so you mark them and that's it.

Now when someone books one room, the whole house listing is blocked as well but the second room is still available. But if someone books the whole house then both rooms will be blocked as well.

It really help us bc we can rent 2 apartments separatelly or both of them as one big apartment, so we have 3 listings . Until now we had to sinchronize / block them manually and now it is automated. 



Help appreciated.  I have been renting a room, but decided to list the whole house while I'm on vacation.  I received the linking instructions but when I attempted, the steps they refer to aren't there.

  1. Click Availability (did this)
  2. Next to Linked Airbnb calendars, click Link (this was nowhere to be found)

Any insights?

Level 10
Brookline, MA

Great news!!

Level 6
Merida, Mexico

Thanks girls!!!, i have 2 rooms at my house,  i was thinking about dividing it by 3, 1 master bedroom listing, 1 twin bedroom listing, and 2 bedroom listing!... do you think it will work for that!???

@Alexandra224 of course 🙂 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for sharing @Branka-and-Silvia0. I'm really pleased to hear this a welcomed new feature. 


How you finding it? 🙂


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@Lizzie  we find it GREAT !!! :))))

Level 2
Chichester, United Kingdom

I don't have the link button that is suggested by this article.  "Link you Airbnb calendars"


A colleague who has done it has looked on my profile and my button is missing.


Can anyone help me please?

@Luke66 if you can not follow the procedure described here: then this feature is maybe not available in your area yet.