Need a reliable, attentive person to clean, hand over keys, do laundry 2nd - 14th August London E14

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Need a reliable, attentive person to clean, hand over keys, do laundry 2nd - 14th August London E14

Hi All, 

Our friend is now unable to do the above due to personal circumstances and we have 3 bookings between 2nd - 14th August.  

The person we are looking for is - 

ideally local

willing to meet and greet

available at the end of a phone to trouble shoot / reassure / advise

able to clean well between bookings including washing / drying sheets and remaking beds

willing to connect with us during our guests stays from time to time

willing to meet us soon to see our flat / meet the concierge 

personable, reliable and trustworthy 


Many Thanks 



5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Have you tried posting on the London forum @Jane1045 ?

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Thanks for the advice Helen 

Level 10
Somerville, MA

And this is a moment when being able to tag would be helpful! But only three Pauls are available on the popup list I have access to.



That was a ridiculous amount of work to tag Paul. If the person/team that rolled out this tagging feature was on my team, they might not have a job any longer. Really poorly done [and yes, I know it is a hard filter.]

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Susan151 thanks for your hard work in tagging me here 🙂 appreciated!