New Host-to-be question regarding check-in/check-out times...

Level 10
Santa Rosa, CA

New Host-to-be question regarding check-in/check-out times...

I'm a host-to-be (w/in 3 wks) and wanted to know: Is there a way to tell ppl check in and check out times and be contractually enforceable? I've been reading a lot in this forum and I see so many hosts having issues w/check in and check out times. I will have a computer-controlled lock (w/pin for each guest--enforcing when they can first enter and the latest time they can enter/leave) and would like to set a minimum of 3pm check-in and latest checkout to be 10am. I would not allow any check-ins earlier, though they could store luggage in my home and come back after 3pm. Check-outs would be locked out after 10am -- and if they didn't leave by then they'd have to come to me to be able to get their things. I really dont get how ppl can have back-to-back listings w/o enforcing limits such as this but don't see that ABB allows any place on the listing to put this except in the listing or the manual...both of which are sometimes never read and many times overlooked by an ABB customer service agent if there is an issue that a guest gets mad they didn't get to check in early or out late. 



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Farmington, CT

Hi @Jann3,

I think many of the issues you see here on the forum are mostly from folks who may not have communicated clearly from the getgo, so kudos to you for getting ahead of this. I would put the checkin/out times in your House Rules, response to inquiry email and welcome email with an additional note that checkin/out is an automated system with a timed pin controlled lock... Also be prepared with a friendly "Sorry Charlie" email when someone asks to checkin at 9am :).

So you don't have to keep typing emails you can either have a master word document that you cut and paste from or copy and paste from previous messages in your box.

Good luck

Level 10
Como, CO

Check in and check out times and part of the contract, the issues you see are when hosts do not enforce them.

Level 10
Frisco, CO

@Jann3 To ensure we are clear on these times Integrate them into my message a few days prior to arrival. Something positive yet firm "your are able to check in anytime you like after 2pm.... And checkout anytime before 11am"   Of course I have had requests for earlier check in , and a simple " we are super flexible any time after 2 pm" usually suffices. If the house is cleaned and ready before then And it is convenient for me I will shoot them a message indicating that the house was prepared early and is ready for them. Good luck and stick to your guns... Favors never get me anywhere. 

