Does anyone have the number of a human at Trust and Safety? ...
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Does anyone have the number of a human at Trust and Safety?
I've been getting no replies for 23 days. The people who answ...
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Does anyone who hosts in Spain have any idea how the new "rental laws" affect Airbnb listings?
To my understanding, if I rent out my house in Spain I have to jump through a load of hoops, such as obtaining a rental number from the local town hall, having air conditioning and heating fitted and reporting all guests to the local police station within 12 hours of their arrival!
Is Airbnb caught up in these new laws or is it outwith?
Any comments or suggestions with this would be gratefully received.
Are you in Andalucia? If yes, I'm afraid as an Airbnb host you will have to comply with the new legislation - indeed it was this type of rental which it specifically applies to. May 11th is the date the law comes into force. There is a good article here on what to do to comply with the regulation. There is no doubt that it's going to be a bureaucratic nightmare to comply with, particularly the police reporting requirements - I'm hoping that this is something that may be modified once the police get swamped with daily communications from hundreds of Airbnb and other hosts!
Thanks Ged! I'm in Malaga now so this has helped a lot. Any changes in the last year since this thread?? And have they rolled out the Superhost Management plan here? Probably not! I'm here for a month (renting an Airbnb apt!) so if you're near the city, could be fun to meet up over a coffee.
Cheers Glen
I am trying to organise the new rental rules requirements too, would be great to get some discussion going about this, so far I have heard that properties will need a liscence to occupy, which is an expensive set up requiring an architect if your property is built before 1987 !
any help would be gratefully received,
Thank you
Cost me 12€ for the licence. What is expensive is the tax. I have to pay over 3000€ for year 2018!!! OUCH
Hi Jonathan,
I am also in the Comunidad Valenciana.
I also had to pay over 1,000euros.... do you know if buying things or improving the house reduce the tax to pay? I am trying to find out and cannot get anywhere. Would like to be more prepared for the next one.
I am not aware of these new Spanish rules, do you have any more information? or who is enforcing it? Im a new host in Spain.
Maria, the new regulation is for Andalucia, not the whole of Spain, thuogh other regions (e.g. Barcelona) have their own rules. If you are in Andalucia, and unless you are on rural land which has a different legal framework, you should look at this article
which will tell you most of what you need to know.
From the link you posted: If you offer any other services apart from accommodation i.e. breakfast, you then become obliged to charge VAT (IVA) and could receive an inspection from the ‘Departamento de Sanidad’, health & safety department. It’s important to check your responsibilities in this case and make sure you are prepared to fulfill them.
Have you got anymore information? We have a place in Palma. What are the new laws? I have heard that the local authorities are clamping down on holiday rentals. What can we do? Is it only Airbnb that these authorities are targeting home renters on? Other listing sites affected? Please let me know what you have researched or found out? Thanks so much!
Hi Sandra, Did you ever receive confirmation on this? I'm in Alicante province too, and on reading the provisions here, I think you're ok as you are?
Dear Sandra , you have a rental you’re making money on in andalucia. You have to pay taxes. Even if you just had a few clients. And the spanish tax authorities probably are monitoring this forum.
It does not not matter how many guests you have. The law is strict. Every Euro needs to be reported IF you have a “tourist rental” as a second home would (in my case). If you advertise a rental you must have a rental license. No estate agent is going to put it up on their site anymore if you don’t have a license (I am Alicante province also). I just saw Airbnb asking for my Catastral number and saying they will send full income report for 2018 to the tax office. I am sure by now you got the same message.
Everyone with an income should be declaring it to the Hacienda.....that is the law. If you are found out you will be prosecuted.