Possible variability in pricing per view?

Level 1
San Diego, CA

Possible variability in pricing per view?


A future guest who has just made a reservation is saying that the price of the reservation has changed after viewing it a second time.  I did nothing to change the status on my hosting end.  Is this possible?  Is there potential variance in the service fee or anything else that would change the rate by a small percentage between views of booking?

4 Replies 4

Is the guest seeing the price in a different currency?

It happened to me once but they were seeing the price in Euros and with currency exchange fluctuations they kept seeing different prices.

It should be the same currency (US dollars).  Thanks for the thought though, that could make sense.

Do you have smart pricing on?


Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Is your listing on smart pricing? Service fee could be it as well?