
Level 2
New York, NY


Hi Guys!


I need help understand the following in pricing:


I am from NY looking to book a place in London. I am interacting with a current london host, and we are negotiating pricing. The host claims that his listed price is 1300 GBP. I am getting an offer for $1745 USD (which translates to 1584 GBP), a difference of 284 GDP! There is NO cleaning fee and the airbnb service fee is included at $126 USD (104 GDP). If I deduct the service fee that leaves an unaccounted difference in pricing of 180 GDP!!


Why is there such a difference? Where does this money go?


Thank you in advance for helping me understand this!



5 Replies 5
Level 2
Tulum, Mexico

I think airbnb is now marking up their currency exchanges. 

Thanks for your thoughts. It's what i'm thinking too, because I can't see any other explanation unless airbnb is keep an extra undisclosed fee. Nevertheless the exchange markup seems HUGE and I would like to get confirmation from them. I reached out to them a few days ago but still haven't heard back!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I have a similar situation with a guest who wanted to add an extra night to her stay. The price she was being quoted (after the host's payout and fees) was 25% extra. Even with guest fees added, this doesn't make sense. Anyway, she is contacting Airbnb to find out...

Hi Huma! Thanks for sharing! Please let me know if you guest gets any info as I still haven't heard back from airbnb yet. It's been a few days. Thank you!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Thanks @Stephan36, I will do! For the moment, she's gone quiet so I'm guessing she's still waiting to hear back...